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3. Semester

3. Semester




Forms of Active Participation

Module Exam

Research Practicum


Research Placement*

Presentations, group work, preparation of excerpts and thesis papers, submission of the first draft of the research report

Research report (approx. 10,000 words) in research placement

Area of Specialization


Specialisation Seminar*

Essay or thesis papers (approx. 1,500 words), perhaps presentation, group work

Seminar paper/Essays (approx. 3,000 words) in one of the Specialisation seminars

Specialisation Seminar*

Essay or thesis papers (approx. 1,500 words), perhaps presentation, group work

In the third semester, the students are supposed to do their specialization with completing Module 7 and 8.

Module 7 is a research placement, in which the students carry out a small-scale theory-based empirical study. It is required to write a research report of the research placement of about 10,000 words. This report makes up the grade for this module.

In module 8, students attend two specialization seminars. In one of those two seminars, they need to write one seminar paper (~3000 words) or three essays, which is pass or fail.

The final semester focuses on the master’s thesis and its accompanying colloquium. The master’s thesis should be about approx. 24,000 words/80 pages long and is the last examination in the master’s program. More details on the master's thesis can be found here.