Publication: Articles by KFG PostDoc Stefano Palestini Céspedes
Jun 08, 2017
Our KFG PostDoc Stefano Palestini Céspedes has published two articles on the ongoing political struggles in Latin America, the fight for democracy and the role of regional organizations.
“Defending democracy in Latin America… but which democracy?”
"Against whom must democracy be defended? Who must be protected? Today, uncertainty in the region, but especially in the United States and Europe, reshapes the answer to these questions."
In this article, Stefano Palestini Céspedes traces the development from the liberal moment (1998-2001) to the post-liberal moment (2002-2013) and the illiberal moment (since 2013) in Latin America and provides an outlook on the future role of regional organizations as defenders of democracy in the region.
Click here to read the complete article.
“Time Running out for OAS on Venezuelan Crisis”
In this article, Stefano Palestini Céspedes introduces the Organization of American States (OAS) as a political actor and asks, what kind of strategy they can apply to handle the ongoing crisis in Venezuela.
"On May 31, the foreign ministers and representatives of 34 members of the Organization of American States (OAS) held a meeting aimed at issuing a roadmap for an international engagement with the Venezuelan crisis. Despite the high expectations, the states failed to agree on a common plan and the meeting ended with no final declaration. The efforts to establish an international action in Venezuela remain locked in a stalemate.
(…) With more than 60 deaths in the last two months of protests, the risk for Venezuela to fall into a spiral of violence is high. If this happens, the OAS has no instruments to intervene, and the situation could require the action of other international actors. Assuming that mediation is still possible and desirable, there appear to be two components of a strategy the OAS should consider at the next General Assembly."
Click here to read the complete article.