Report: Europe at a crossroads - Integration or Schism? KFG at the Berlin Long Night of Sciences
Jul 04, 2016
The annual contribution of KFG to the Long Night of Sciences was a full success. The panel discussion on the up-to-date topic of the future of the EU drew many interested visitors to the Silberlaube at the Freie Universität Berlin, quickly filling up the ranks in the auditorium.
Tanja A. Börzel (FU Berlin) moderated the panel and started the discussion by asking about the nature of the crises that the EU experiences. Are external shocks the determining reason or does the problem lie in lacking institutional capacities of the EU? These and other questions were discussed by the four-headed podium consisting of Jürgen Gerhards (Professor for Macrosociology at the Otto-Suhr-Institute), Julia Langbein (Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Integration of the Otto- Suhr-Institute), Eckart D. Stratenschulte (Head of the European Academy Berlin), and Thomas Risse (FU Berlin).
After an intense discussion, the floor was opened to questions from the audience. Primarily young people asked about strategies to overcome widespread EU-scepticism and what advice researchers could give policymakers in this respect. Furthermore, the audience criticized the EU’s democratic deficit and asked about possible engagement strategies for interested citizens to shape ongoing political developments. The panelists were approached even after the discussion for more in-depth follow ups.
The United Nations and European Union Documentation Center was also present to inform the audience about current developments on the European level.