New Book on European Public Spheres edited by Thomas Risse has been published by Cambridge University Press
European Public Spheres
Image Credit: Cambridge University Press
In "European Public Spheres. Politics Is Back" leading scholars trace the emergence of a European public sphere over the last sixty years. Edited by KFG research director Thomas Risse, this book gives an overview about various aspects of the discussion on the politicization of public spheres in Europe.
News from Nov 17, 2014
The euro crisis has led to an unprecedented Europeanization and politicization of public spheres across the continent. In this volume, top-notch scholars make two claims. First, they suggest that transnational crossborder communication in Europe has been encouraged through the gradual Europeanization of national as well as issue-specific public spheres. Second, the politicization of European affairs - at the European Union (EU) level and in the domestic politics of member states - is inevitable and here to stay. Europeanized public spheres, whether elite media, mass media, or social media such as the internet, provide the arenas in which the politicization of European and EU issues takes place. European Public Spheres explores the history of these developments, the nature of politicization in the public spheres as well as its likely consequences, and the normative implications for European public life. (Source:
Please visit the Publisher's Website to get more information about the book.
Risse, Thomas (ed.) (2014): European Public Spheres. Politics Is Back. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
ISBN: 9781107441637