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KFG Working Paper No. 53 and 54 published

News from Nov 01, 2013

We are pleased to announce that the KFG Working Papers No. 53 and 54 have been published.



No. 53: "Regional Blocs, Transnational Actors and Interest Mediation: The Cases of Mexico and Turkey"

The author Işık Özel explores the processes in which accession to different regional blocs has affected the ways the state interacts with societal actors, along with the interest representation and mediation models in both member and accession countries. Focusing on Turkey and Mexico, the paper examines the differential impact of the European Union (EU) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on the organization and mediation of business interests; the ways in which these interests are incorporated into policy-making; and the processes of social dialogue.


No. 54: "Those Who Knock on Europe‘s Door Must Repent? Bilateral Border Disputes and EU Enlargement"

The authors Andrew Geddes and Andrew Taylor analyze a neglected aspect of the wider debate about EU enlargement; namely bilateral disputes between a Member State and an applicant, where the former uses, or threatens to use, its membership to block membership to resolve a dispute. They show in three cases studies (Italy and Slovenia, Slovenia and Croatia, and Greece and Macedonia) that the EU’s transformative power does not always flow ‘outwards’ towards the state seeking membership, raising questions about enlargement as international bargaining between sovereign states filtered via a supranational entity formally responsible for the negotiations.



All KFG Working Papers are available online or can be ordered in print via transform-europe@fu-berlin.de