Book Recommendation: "Die neue EU nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon" by Prof. Dr. Christian Calliess
News from Mar 22, 2011
We would like to draw attention to recent publications by Prof. Dr. Christian Calliess, Chair for Public Law and European Law, Freie Universität Berlin and Participating Scholar at the Kolleg-Forschergruppe.
In Die neue Europäische Union nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon, Prof. Dr. Calliess, gives an overview of the reform and its implications for German law. More information are available here.
Under the title Das Europäische Solidaritätsprinzip und die Krise des Euro - von der Rechtsgemeinschaft zur Solidaritätsgemeinschaft, Christian Calliess in a speech held at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin discussed the European solidarity principle and the crisis of the Euro. The speech is available here (PDF).