Dr. Marianne van de Steeg

Kolleg-Forschergruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe"
Associated Fellow
14195 Berlin
Dr. Marianne van de Streeg has been a PostDoc at KFG from October 2009 until February 2011.
Short CV
since May 2009: Qualified academic teacher, certified by Utrecht University, Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs (outstanding)
2009: Management course Taking up leadership in new contexts at Utrecht University
1998 - 2005: PhD Thesis at the European University Institute, Florence (ungraded)
Theme: European public sphere -
1992 - 1998: MA Political Science, Leiden University, The Netherlands (cum laude)
1996 - 1997: Full course year Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Languages: Dutch native speaker; English on academic level; Spanish and Italian fluent; German average to good; French sufficiency in reading.
Relevant computer programs: MaxQDA, SPSS.
Positions held
- since 06/2009: Affiliated researcher, Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam
2005 - 2009: Junior Assistant Professor*, Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
2001 - 2003: Research assistant to Prof. Thomas Risse, Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies DFG project on the European public sphere
1995 - 1996: Member of the board of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University
*Research: NWO Shifts in governance-project on Public accountability and the European Union
Teaching: public administration, organization science, research methodology, BA3 research, MA theses
Honourable mention as second best dissertation of 2005 by the Dutch Political Science Association (NKWP)
Main Fields of Interest
- European public sphere
- Identity in relation to a European political community
- Europeanization in general
- Public accountability by European Council members to parliaments
KFG Research Project
"European public sphere and European identity"
- 2011: Het Nederlandse parlement en Europeanisering: Is democratische controle van de regering nog steed mogelijk?, in: Andeweg, R./Thomassen, J. (eds.): Democratie doorgelicht, Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- 2010: The European Council's Evolving Political Accountability, in: Bovens, M./Curtin, D./Hart, P. (eds): The Real World of EU Accountability. What Deficit?, Oxford University Press.
- 2010: Theoretical reflections on the public sphere in the European Union: A network of communication or a political community?, in: Bee, C./Bozzini, E. (eds): Mapping European Public Sphere: Institutions, Media and Civil Society, Ashgate Publishing.
- 2009: Public accountability in the European Union: Is the European Parliament able to hold the European Council accountable?, in: European Integration online Papers, August 2009, [available at: http://eiop.or.at/eiop/index.php/eiop/article/view/2009_003a].
- 2008: Book Review, Europeanisering, in: Beleid en Maatschappij 1.
- 2007: Gezamenlijkheid ondanks diversiteit: publiek debat in de Europese Unie, in: Vollaard, H./Penders, J. (eds): De spankracht van de Europese Unie. Gaan democratie en uitbreiding samen? Den Haag: Lemma.
- 2006: Does a public sphere exist in the European Union? An analysis of the content of the debate on the Haider case, in: European Journal of Political Research 45/4, 609–634.
- 2003: Bedingungen für die Entstehung von Öffentlichkeit in der EU, in: Klein, A./Koopmans, R./Trenz, H.-J./Klein, L./Lahusen, C./Rucht, D. (eds): Bürgerschaft, Öffentlichkeit und Demokratie in Europa, Opladen: Leske + Budrich.
- 2002: Rethinking the conditions for a public sphere in the European Union, in: European Journal of Social Theory 5/4.
- 2002: Eine europäische Öffentlichkeit? Die Diskussion um die Osterweiterung der EU, in: Berliner Debatte Initial13/(5/6).
- 2000: Suggestions for a transnational European public sphere, in: Bärns, B./Raupp, J. (eds): Transnational communication in Europe. Practice and research, Berlin: Vistas.
- co-authored with van Gunsteren, H. 1997: De Europese eenwording: een stille revolutie?, in: Socialisme & Democratie.