Prof. Dr. Stefano Palestini Céspedes

Catholic University of Chile
Institute of Political Science
Assistant Professor
Ihnestr. 26
14195 Berlin
14195 Berlin
Short CV
- 2014-2015: Associate researcher Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (Global Governance Programme)
- 2010-2015: PhD at the European University Institute
- 2008-2010: Consultant United Nations Development Programme (UNDP-Chile)
- 2008-2010: Lecturer on Economic Sociology and Sociology of Globalization (Universidad de Chile/Universidad Diego Portales)
- 2002-2008: Licenciatura in Sociology, Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Santiago de Chile)
Main Fields of Interest
- International Political Economy
- Comparative Regional Organizations and Institutions
- Latin American Politics, Policy and International Relations
- Political Economy of Development
KFG Research Project
Dr. Stefano Palestini Céspedes is currently working on the project "Regional Organization and the Protection of Democracy in Iliberal times".
Selected Publications
- co-authored with Closa, Carlos 2018: Tutelage and Regime Survival in Regional Organizations' Democracy Protection: The Case of MERCOSUR and UNASUR. In World Politics Vol. 70, Issue 3. Available under this link.
- 2016: Development Banks and Regional Powers: An Analytical Framework. KFG Working Papers (77). Available under this link.
- 2016: Energía de baja intensidad: gobiernos, mercados e instituciones en el regionalismo energético de América del Sur, in: Caderno CRH 29/3, 107-123.
- co-authored with Bruszt, L. 2016: Regional Development Governance, in: Börzel, T. A./Risse, T. (eds): The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 374-404.
- co-authored with Agostinis, G. 2015: Constructing regionalism in South America: the cases of sectoral cooperation on transport infrastructure and energy, in: Journal of International Relations and Development. Advance online publication.
- co-authored with Closa, C./Castillo, P. 2016: Regional Organizations and Mechanisms for Democracy Protection in Latin America, the Carribean and Europe, Hamburg: EU-LAC Foundation. Avaliable under this link.
- 2012: Regímenes de Integración Regional: la construcción institucional de los mercados del sur global, in: Revista de Sociología 27, 55-78. Available under this link.