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Dr. Michael Fichter

15167 PS - Internationale Arbeitsstandards

Dr. Michael Fichter, Henni Hensen, Friederike Hoffmann

Die Studierenden erhalten einen theoretisch fundierten Überblick über das Politikfeld Internationale Arbeitsstandards. Nach einer Einführung in die wichtigsten Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen sollen die Studierenden das Politikfeld  Internationale Arbeitsstandards aus dem Blickwinkel der "großen" IB Theorien (inklusive kritische Theorien) beleuchten können. Das Seminar beginnt mit einem historischen Überblick, anschließend erfolgt die Einführung in die wichtigsten Institutionen, Instrumente und Akteure im Bereich Internationale Arbeitsstandards. Dies umfasst sowohl die Untersuchung verschiedener Einflussgruppen und Akteure (wie Firmen/Arbeitgeberverbände, Gewerkschaften und internationale staatliche und nichtstaatliche Institutionen) als auch das Kennenlernen unterschiedlicher Instrumente und Modelle zur Umsetzung internationaler Arbeitsstandards (z.B. ILO Kernarbeitsnormen, International Framework Agreements, Global Compact, Europäisches Sozialmodell). Wir werden einerseits diskutieren, inwieweit Konsumenten (Consumer Initiatives), Firmen (mit Corporate Social Responsibility Modellen wie die Dresdner Bank) und NGO's (Clean Clothes Campaign) als nicht-staatliche Akteure mit Arbeitsstandards umgehen, andererseits werden wir uns auf die nationale und supranationale Ebene (EU, WTO) begeben und analysieren, welche Handlungsmöglichkeiten es gibt.

Die Studierenden werden im Seminar lernen, unterschiedliche theoretische Ansätze selbstständig auf verschiedene Fälle anzuwenden, und dabei deren Reichtweite und Erklärungspotential testen. Das Seminar richtet sich an Studierende im Grundstudium, die über geringe Grundkenntnisse im Bereich der Internationalen Beziehungen verfügen. Leseverständnis im Englischen wird vorausgesetzt, da die Mehrzahl der Texte in englischer Sprache ist. Das Seminar wird interaktiv gestaltet, daher ist aktive Mitarbeit unabdingbar.

15228 HS - Globalization and Labour: Regulation in the Commodity Chain

Dr. Michael Fichter

This seminar is offered in conjunction with HS 15229 "Globalization and Labour: Theoretical and Analytical Approaches". It will be devoted to case study research on the regulation of labour in global commodity chains. After a broadly based introduction to the methodology and design of research on Transnational Enterprises (TNE) and global commodity chains, we will set up working groups for the selected case studies, which will be based on the development and implementation of a variety of instruments and actors relevant to the regulation of employment relations and the establishment of global labour standards, including ILO conventions, OECD Guidelines, UN Global Compact, Codes of Conduct, International Framework Agreements, and campaigns by NGOs and trade unions. The working groups will present their findings at an international workshop, June 20-22, 2008, which will conclude the seminar (Blockveranstaltung). The two Hauptseminare 15228 and 15229 may be taken together in fulfillment of a Wahlaufbaumodul.

The seminar is offered in cooperation with and as part of the Masters Program "Labour Policies and Globalization" (http://www.global-labour-university.de/) of the University of Kassel and the Berlin School of Economics (FHW Berlin). The participants from this program are experienced trade unionists from around the world, on leave from their organizations for one year.

15229 HS - Globalization and Labour: Theoretical and Analytical Approaches

Dr. Michael Fichter

The globalized operations of Transnational Enterprises (TNE) are reshaping employment relations and posing new challenges for the establishment of generally recognized labour standards for pay and working conditions. While production, finance and labour markets are rapidly becoming more internationalized, labour movements around the world are still primarily nationally and locally oriented. Their cross-border activities and organizational structures are generally weak and their relationships with NGOs often tenuous. This seminar will study theoretical and analytical approaches rooted in political science (global governance, new constitutionalism) and political economy to understanding the institutions and actors relevant to the field of labour in an international setting. After a broadly based introduction, we will focus on selected approaches in the interest of understanding the power relationships between TNEs and labour, and their particular strategic perspectives. The seminar will be taught in conjunction with HS 15228 Globalization and Labour: Regulation in the Commodity Chain, which will be devoted to case study research. The seminar will be concluded with an international workshop, June 20-22, 2008 (Blockveranstaltung), at which participants will have the opportunity to presentfindings from the seminar. The two Hauptseminare 15229 and 15228 may be taken together in fulfillment of a Wahlaufbaumodul. The seminar is offered in cooperation with and as part of the Masters Program "Labour Policies and Globalization" (http://www.global-labour-university.de/) of the University of Kassel and the Berlin School of Economics (FHW Berlin). The participants from this program are experienced trade unionists from around the world, on leave from their organizations for one year.

SFB 700