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Artikel in Fachzeitschriften
(2011) (Susanne Lütz): Back to the future? The domestic sources of transatlantic regulation. Introduction to the Special issue, in: Review of International Political Economy 18 (4), iii-xxii [Abstract/Volltext über Taylor & Francis]
(2011) (Susanne Lütz, Hrsg.): Domestic Sources of Transatlantic Regulation. Special Issue der Zeitschrift Review of International Political Economy 18 (4). [Issue Page von Taylor & Francis]
(2011) (Susanne Lütz / Dagmar Eberle / Dorothee Lauter): Varieties of private self-regulation in European capitalism: corporate governance codes in the UK and Germany, in: Socio-Economic Review 9, 315-338. [Volltext]
(2010) (Dagmar Eberle / Dorothee Lauter): Private interests and the EU-US dispute on audit regulation: The role of the European accounting profession, in: Review of International Political Economy, 18 (4), 436-459. [Abstract/Volltext über Taylor & Francis]
- (2008) (Susanne Lütz / Dagmar Eberle): Varieties of Change in German Capitalism. Transforming the Rules of Corporate Control, in: New Political Economy 13 (4), 377-395 [Volltext über IngentaConnect]
- (2008) (Susanne Lütz / Dagmar Eberle): Mechanismen institutionellen Wandels im deutschen Kapitalismus. Die Regeln der deutschen Unternehmensverfassung im Umbruch, in: Berliner Journal für Soziologie 18 (4), 575-595 [Abstract/Volltext über SpringerLink]
- (2009) (Susanne Lütz / Dagmar Eberle): Zwischen Anbau und Substitution - das deutsche Corporate Governance-System im Umbruch, in: Sebastian Botzem / Jeanette Hofmann / Sigrid Quack / Gunnar Folke Schuppert / Holger Straßheim (Hrsg.): Governance als Prozess. Koordinationsformen im Wandel, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 409-433
- (2007) (Dagmar Eberle): Corporate Governance, in: Arthur Benz / Susanne Lütz / Uwe Schimank / Georg Simonis (Hrsg.): Handbuch Governance. Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Anwendungsfelder, Wiesbaden, VS, 378-389.
- (2009) (Susanne Lütz): Varieties of Change in German Capitalism. Transforming the Rules of Corporate Control. Paper presented at SASE’s 21st Annual Meeting, Sciences Po Paris, France, July 16-18
- (2008) (Susanne Lütz / Dagmar Eberle): The Limits of Supranationalization. Corporate Governance in the European Union, Paper presented at the ISA Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA., March 26-29
- (2008) (Dagmar Eberle / Dorothee Lauter): Corporate Governance Codes and the Varieties of Capitalism – A Comparison of Self-Regulatory Regimes in Great Britain and Germany, Council for European Studies, 16th International Conference, Chicago March 6-8
- (2007) (Susanne Lütz / Dagmar Eberle): On the Road to Anglo-Saxon Capitalism? German Corporate Governance Regulation between Market and Multilevel Governance, CLPE Research Paper 4, 2007, Vol. 3, No. 3 [Volltext]
- (2007) (Dagmar Eberle / Dorothee Post): Corporate Governance Codes and the “Varieties of Capitalism” – A Comparison between Britain and Germany, Connex Workshop, “Private Corporation as Norm entrepreneurs in the EU and Beyond: Investigating Political, Social and Economic Driving Forces of Private Self-Regulation”, 1.-2. Juni 2007, Darmstadt.
- (2007) (Dagmar Eberle / Dorothee Post): Corporate Governance Codes and the “Varieties of Capitalism” – A Comparison between Britain and Germany, 23rd EGOS Colloquium „Beyond the Waltz – Dances of Individuals and Organization” 5.-7. Juli 2007, Vienna, Austria.
- (2005) (Susanne Lütz / Dagmar Eberle): From National Diversity towards Transnational Homogenization? Corporate Governance Regulation between Market and Multilevel Governance, Paper für die ECPR-Konferenz, 8.-11. in Budapest, Panel on Regulating the Global Economy - Convergence, Persistent Divergence or Hybridization of National Regulatory Regimes?
- (2004) (Dagmar Eberle / Susanne Lütz): The End of Diversity? Corporate Governance Regulation between Market and Multilevel Governance, Paper für den Workshop “The Transnational Political Economy of Corporate Governance Regulation”, 17.-18. Dezember, Amsterdam Research Centre for Corporate Governance Regulation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- (2004) (Dagmar Eberle / Susanne Lütz): Europäische Corporate Governance Regime zwischen Stabilität und Wandel, Paper für die Jahrestagung der DVPW-Sektion Politik und Ökonomie, "Die politische Ökonomie der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion" am 03. und 04. Dezember, Max-Planck Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung in Köln, 2004.