Projektbezogene Publikationen
Artikel in Fachzeitschriften
- (2016): (Thomas R. Eimer, Susanne Lütz und Verena Schüren) Varieties of localization: international norms and the commodification of knowledge in India and Brazil, in: Review of International Political Economy 2016. [Abstract/Volltext über Taylor & Francis]
(2014) (Thomas R. Eimer): Philosopher-kings in real life: The epistemic community on biodiversity in Brazil and India, in: Global Society 28(2), 131-150. [Abstract/Volltext]
(2013) (Thomas R. Eimer / Verena Schüren): Convenient Stalemates: Why International Patent Law Negotiations continue despite Deadlock, in: New Political Economy 18(4), 533-554. [Abstract/Volltext]
(2013) (Thomas R. Eimer): Global wordings and local meanings: traditional knowledge regulation in India and Brazil, in: Journal für Entwicklungspolitik 29(2), 31-50.
(2013) (Verena Schüren): What a difference a state makes: Pharmaceutical innovation systems in India and Brazil, in: Business and Politics, 15(2), 217-243. [Abstract/Volltext]
(2012) (Thomas R. Eimer / Annika Philipps): Auf dem Weg zum Weltpatent? Ursachen transatlantischer Regulierungskonflikte, in: PVS Sonderheft 46/2012, 441-464.
(2011) (Thomas R. Eimer / Annika Philipps): Networks hanging loose: The domestic sources of US-EU patent disputes, in: Review of International Political Economy 18(4), 460-480. [Abstract/Volltext]
(2010) (Thomas R. Eimer / Susanne Lütz): Developmental States, Civil Society and Public Health: Patent Regulation for HIV/AIDS Pharmaceuticals in India and Brazil, in: Regulation & Governance 4(2), 135-153. [Abstract/Volltext]
Artikel in Fachzeitschriften (unter Begutachtung)
(Thomas R. Eimer / Susanne Lütz / Verena Schüren): Varieties of localization: International norms, domestic interests, and the commodification of knowledge in India and Brazil (Regulation & Governance).
(Thomas R. Eimer): Traditional knowledge, customary rules, and statutory law: Indigenous political agency and legal pluralism in Brazil and India (Journal of Law & Society)
Artikel in Fachzeitschriften (nicht-begutachtet)
(2013) (Thomas R. Eimer / Verena Schüren): Varieties of localization: International norms, domestic interests, and the commodification of knowledge in India and Brazil, in: Sonderheft des Journals für Entwicklungspolitik, 29(2), 4-10.
Arbeits- und Konferenzpapiere
(2014) (Thomas R. Eimer): Missing links and broken chains: The implementation of the CBD in Brazil. 5th Biennial ECPR Standing Group for Regulatory Governance Conference on 'Regulatory Governance: between Global and Local', 25. bis 27. Juni 2014, Barcelona (Spanien).
(2014) (Thomas R. Eimer): Land and knowledge: Indigenous perspectives and biodiversity politics in India and Brazil. International Studies Association, Annual Convention, 26. bis 29. März 2014, Toronto (Kanada).
(2013) (Thomas R. Eimer / Susanne Lütz / Verena Schüren): Norm diffusion through advocacy coalitions: Implementing international intellectual property norms in India and Brazil. International Studies Association, Annual Convention, 3. bis 9. April 2013, San Francisco (USA).
(2012) (Verena Schüren): Two TRIPs to Innovation. Pharmaceutical Innovation Systems in India and Brazil. SFB-Governance Working Paper Series No. 37. [Download]
(2012) (Thomas R. Eimer): When modern science meets traditional knowledge: A multi-level process of adaption and resistance. SFB-Governance Working Paper Series No. 35. [Download]
(2012) (Verena Schüren): Globalization and Systems of Innovation. Pharmaceutical Innovation in India and Brazil. 24. Jahrestreffen der Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, vom 28. bis 30. Juni 2012 am MIT, Cambridge (USA).
(2011) (Verena Schüren): The different TRIPs of India and Brazil. Pharmaceutical Innovation from a NSI perspective. BISA/DVPW Sektionstagung der Sektion Internationale Beziehungen, vom 19. bis 21. Dezember 2011 in St. Andrews (UK).
(2010) (Thomas R. Eimer / Verena Schüren): Frozen Regimes: The Limits of Cooperation in the International Patent System. Konferenzpapier für die Jahrestagung der DVPW Sektion Politische Ökonomie, vom 10. bis 11. September in Zürich (CH)
(2009) (Susanne Lütz / Thomas R. Eimer): Sticks and Pills: Governance Patterns of HIV/Aids medication in India and Brazil. Konferenzpapier für das APSA Annual Meeting, vom 3. bis 6. September in Toronto (CA) [Download]