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(Zurück zum Forschungsprojekt Kreditvergabe als Zwei-Ebenen-Spiel: Troika-Schuldner Verhandlungen in der Eurozone)

Aufsätze in Zeitschriften

    • (2015): (Susanne Lütz) From Washington Consensus to Flexible Keynesianism? The International Monetary Fund after the Financial Crisis, in: Journal of International Organization Studies 6 (2), 85-98. [Volltext]


    • (2016): (Susanne Lütz and Sven Hilgers) Cooperation between overlapping international organizations – IMF-EU Interaction in Lending Programs for Latvia and Greece. Paper presented at the DVPW-Drei Länder Tagung “Regionalismus in einer entgrenzten Welt”, Heidelberg, September 29 - Oktober 1, and at the International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention in Baltimore, USA, February 22-25, 2017, Panel: „Legacies and Innovations in Global Economic Governance since Bretton Woods“.

    • (2016): (Sebastian Schneider) Unequal aftermath: vested interests and economic adjustment in the eurozone crisis. Paper presented at the EAEPE Summer School 2016, Rome, July 4-8.

    • (2016): (Sven Hilgers) To bail-in or not to bail-in: Seeing like the European Central Bank in the Troika. Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions, Workshop “The Politics of Central Banking”, Pisa, April 24-28.

    • (2015): (Sven Hilgers, Susanne Lütz and Sebastian Schneider) Credit Lending as Two-Level Game: Troika-Debtor Negotiations in Cyprus and Portugal. Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference Panel “The politics of bailout negotiations”, Montreal, August 26-29.

    • (2015): (Sebastian Schneider) Coordination no more: The Eurozone Crisis and the Dismantling of Wage Setting Systems in the European periphery. Paper presented at the 10th Annual University of Pittsburgh Graduate Student Conference on the EU, Pittsburgh, March 27-28.

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