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Gresa Smolica

Gresa Smolica

Free University Berlin

Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science

Center for Comparative Politics of Germany and France


PhD Candidate

Ihnestraße 22
Raum Room 117a
14195 Berlin

Gresa Smolica is currently a Doctoral Candidate at Freie Universität Berlin as part of the SProcure project. She has recently completed her Master’s Degree in Data Science for Public Policy at the Hertie School in Berlin. She pursued her Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science at the University “Hasan Prishtina” in Kosovo. Gresa’s research has mainly focused on policy design and studying data science methods for more informed policy-making. During her Master’s studies, she was engaged as a Research Assistant at the Hertie School in two projects focusing on measuring anti-corruption indicators and analysing the role of automation in the labour market and the welfare state development. She has extensive experience of working with civil society organisations in Kosovo and Albania, in the area of public procurement, European integration, managing EU-funded projects, etc.

FU Berlin