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Gilad Weizman Shapira

Gilad Weizman-Shapira

Hebrew University of Jersualem

Department of Political Science


Ihnestraße 22
Raum 117a
14195 Berlin

Gilad Weizman Shapira is a Ph.D. student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has a Master’s degree in political science and a bachelor's degree in political science and linguistics. His Master’s thesis, supervised by Prof. Efraim Podoksik, analyzed the perceived contradiction in Polybius’ ‘Histories’ arguing that Polybius prioritized political culture over institutions. During his studies, he worked as a research assistant for Prof. David Levi-Faur, contributing to research on the history of the Political Science department and updating Israel's ranking for the Freedom House foundation. After earning his master's degree in 2020, he became Head of Research and Analysis at Policy, Israel's former leading lobby firm, before moving to Cabinet Lobby firm, where he served as Head of Research, Assistant to the CEO, and Professional Lobbyist.

FU Berlin