Dr. Aline Muff

Freie Universität Berlin
Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Arbeitsschwerpunkt Politikdidaktik und Politische Bildung
Raum Raum 3.4
14195 Berlin
Zur Person
Aline Muff ist Gastwissenschaftlerin für das Wintersemester 2024/25 am Arbeitsschwerpunkt Politikdidaktik und Politische Bildung. Seit 2021 ist sie Postdoktorandin an der Seymour Fox School of Education an der Hebräischen Universität in Jerusalem und war zuvor an der Universität in Haifa tätig. Promoviert hat sie zu dem Thema “Citizenship Education and Identity: A Comparative Study Across Different Schools in Northern Ireland and Israel” an der Queen’s University Belfast. In ihrer Forschung beschäftigt sie sich vor allem mit politischer Bildung im Zusammenhang mit gewaltsamen Konflikten und politischer und sozialer Ungerechtigkeit, citizenship education, historisch-politische Bildung, Perspektiven von minorisierten Jugendlichen und Lehrer:innen auf politische Bildung, Zusammenhänge des schulischen und außerschulischen politischen Lernens, sowie partizipative-qualitative Forschungsmethoden.
Aktuelles Forschungsprojekt
Citizenship at the Margins: Minoritized and Marginalized Students’ Perspectives on Citizenship Inside and Outside of Israeli Classrooms (with Dr. Aviv Cohen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
The body of research on the civic opportunity gap and political alienation among young people from different contexts raises concerns about the meaningfulness and inclusiveness of critical concepts such as citizenship, democracy, and political participation, leading to a state of civic apathy. Whereas current solutions have mainly focused on developing more inclusive, official, and standardized curricula, evidence suggests that crucial political learning and action take place outside of schools. Nevertheless, studies focusing on such extra-curricular civic education activities among minoritized and marginalized youth are sparse.
The Israeli setting provides a genuine opportunity to further investigate these issues, due to the inherent tension between its unified and centralized educational system that acts within a polarized society. Beside the division created by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, its Jewish society is stratified along socio-economic and ethnic lines. Past segregation policies and the promotion of assimilation have disadvantaged communities that are still affected by racism and discrimination today.
By using qualitative-participatory methodologies, we offer to focus on young people’s lived civic experiences inside and outside of schools, examining (1) how excluded young people conceptualize and practice citizenship, and (2) what formal and informal processes inform these conceptions and impact such practices. In this manner, we aspire to generate significant knowledge of minoritized youth’s civic identities and actions that can broaden theoretical understandings of democratic citizenship education and political participation, relevant for all young people.
Peer-reviewed journals
Muff, A; Cohen, A, and Hoshovsky, T (2024) From Being a Workforce to Agents of Change: An Interpretive Meta-ethnography of Different Approaches to Participatory Research with Young People, Review of Educational Research, DOI: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.3102/00346543241255625
Muff, A and Agbaria, AK (2024) Spiritual and indigenous funds of knowledge: how Palestinian Muslim teachers reclaim Islam and citizenship education in Israel, Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15595692.2024.2355454
Muff, A and Agbaria, AK (2023) “You can’t teach your students something that is divorced from reality”: Palestinian citizenship teachers making sense of the relevance of Islam for citizenship education in Israel", Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, DOI: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/17461979231169470
Agbaria, AK and Muff, A (2023): “I must be a bad Muslim to be good for them”: teaching about civic issues in Islamic education in Israel, Race Ethnicity and Education, DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13613324.2023.2192944
Muff, A and Donnelly, C (2022) Three-faced: The conflicting roles of citizenship education in conflict-affected societies – A comparison of Northern Ireland and Israel, Research in Comparative and International Education, 17(3): 460–485, DOI: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/17454999221104373
Muff, A and Bekerman, Z (2017) Agents of the Nation state or transformative intellectuals? Exploring the conflicting roles of civic teachers in Israel, Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 14(1): 22-39, DOI: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1746197917743752
Agbaria, AK; Daibes, S and Muff, A (2020) Between collaboration and conflict the exploration of micropolitical processes during reform enactment in an Arab junior high school in Israel, Educational Review, DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00131911.2019.1705249
Book chapters
Muff, A. In press. "My citizenship is quite my identity" versus "I don't feel like a normal citizen": Comparing Palestinian and Jewish-Israeli high-school students' perspectives on citizenship in Israel. In: Lange, D., Schröder-Sieroux, C., Kenner, S., Reichert, F., Kleinschmidt, M. (in press) Inclusive Citizenship als Zugehörigkeiten, Praxen und Acts, Wiesbaden: Springer.
Muff, A, and Cohen, A (2023) “I understand both of them. But nobody understands me!” Civic Dissonances among Arab-Palestinian Students in Israel. In: Duncan, Kristen (Ed) Civics in the Margins: Civic Teaching, Learning, and Life in Communities of Color. Teachers College Press.
Agbaria AK, and Muff, A (2022) Teaching and Learning about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Israel. In: Siniver, Asaf (Ed) The Routledge Companion to the Israeli Palestinian Conflict. Routledge
Agbaria AK, and Muff, A (2023) Teaching Civics and Islamic Education in the Israeli Education System and Arab-Palestinian’ Teachers Civic and Religious Identities: Convergences and Divergences. The Walter Lebach Institute for the Study of Jewish-Arab Coexistence.