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Dr. Bontu Lucie Guschke

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Institut für Soziologie

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Garystr. 55
14195 Berlin

Bontu Guschke forscht als Postdoc im Projekt “Negotiating Equity: Policy discourses on gender equity and diversity in science” im Research-Stream „Diffusion of Policy Ideas on Gender and Diversity“

Sie studierte Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft sowie Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie im Bachelor an der Freien Universität Berlin und Organizational Innovation and Entrepreneurship im Master an der Copenhagen Business School (CBS). Anschließend arbeitete sie als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Projekt “Co-creating Gender Equality from Classroom to Organization: Innovations in Nordic Welfare Societies” an der CBS.

Von 2019 bis 2023 arbeitet Bontu Guschke als PhD Fellow am Department of Organization der CBS und promovierte 2023 zum Thema ‘The persistence of sexism and racism at universities - Exploring the imperceptibility and unspeakability of workplace harassment and discrimination in academia.” Außerdem arbeitete Bontu Guschke an mehreren Projekten der CBS’ Diversity and Difference Platform und beschäftigte sich hier vor allem mit norm-kritischen, intersektionalen und queer-feministischen Ansätzen der Gender- und Diversitätsforschung. Sie koordinierte und unterrichtete den Kurs ‘Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ im MSc of Social Sciences in Organizational Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program.  

Ihre Forschungsinteressen umfassen intersektionale feministische Organisationsanalysen, queerfeministische und norm-kritische Theorie, Anti-/Rassismusforschung, feministische Erkenntnistheorie sowie diskurs- und affektanalytische Fragestellungen.  

Bontu Guschke ist Editorin der dänischen Fachzeitschrift Kvinder, Køn og Forskning/Women, Gender and Research. 

Publikationen Weitere Publikationen (reports, teaching cases, etc.) In Kürze erscheinende Publikationen (peer-reviewed articles and book chapters) Google Scholar Publikationen

Guschke, B.L. (2023) Fire inside me - Exploring the possibilities of embodied queer listening, Culture & Organization, online first. Hier auch der Link: Full article: Fire inside me - Exploring the possibilities of embodied queer listening (tandfonline.com)

Burø, T., Christensen, J.F. & Guschke, B.L. (2023) 'No hate. No bigotry. Fight white supremacy!': A case study of Nørrebro Pride and collective organising in the face of ongoing apocalypse. Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, online first.

Guschke, B.L. 2023. The persistence of sexism and racism at universities - Exploring the imperceptibility and unspeakability of workplace harassment and discrimination in academia. Frederiksberg: Copenhagen Business School. 

Guschke, B.L., Just, S.N. and Muhr, S.L. 2022. Organizational norms of sexual harassment and gender discrimination in Danish academia: From recognizing through contesting to queering pervasive rhetorical legitimation strategies. Gender, Work and Organization, online first.

Guschke, B.L., Christensen, J.F. and Burø, T. 2022. Sara Ahmed – A Return to Emotion. In: Kivinen, N. and Hunter, C.: Routledge Focus on Women Writers in Organization Studies, Book 6: Affective Turn in Organization & Management. Milton: Routledge.

Christensen, J.F., Guschke, B.L., Storm, K.I. and Muhr, S.L. 2022. The norm of norms in HRM research: A review and suggestions for future studies. Human Resource Management Review, 32(4), 100859.

Guschke, B.L. and Christensen, J.F. 2021. From individual to organizational bias: A norm-critical proposition for unconscious bias intervention in organizations. Kvinder, Køn og Forskning, 32(3), 86-105.

Guschke, B.L. and Sløk-Andersen, B. 2021. Paying Attention to Tension. Towards a New Understanding of the Organizational Mechanisms Enabling Sexual Harassment. Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, 22(1), 27-56.

Guschke, B.L., Busse, K.A., Khalid, F., Muhr, S.L. and Just, S.N. 2019. Sexual Harassment in Higher Education: Experiences and Perceptions among Students at a Danish University. Kvinder, Køn og Forskning, 28(1-2), 11-30.

Weitere Publikationen (reports, teaching cases, etc.)

Guschke, B.L., Busse, K., Khalid, F. and Muhr, S.L. 2020. Sexual Harassment in the University Context. Teaching case and teaching note. Cranfield: Case Centre.

Muhr, S.L., Teilmann-Lock, S., Guschke, B.L., Christensen, J.F., Mahler, R., Maånsson, E. and Basner, K.I. 2019. Co-creation Gender Equality from Classroom to Organizations: Innovations in Nordic Welfare Societies. Frederiksberg: GenderLAB.

Muhr, S.L., Guschke, B.L., Khalid, F. and Busse, K. 2019. Let’s Talk about Sexual Harassment: An Investigation on Sexual Harassment in the Study Environment at Copenhagen Business School. Frederiksberg: CBS PRME.

In Kürze erscheinende Publikationen (peer-reviewed articles and book chapters)

Christensen, J.F., Guschke, B.L., and Muhr, S.L. forthcoming 2023. Norm-critical leadership. In: Smolovic-Jones, O. et al.: Critical Leadership. Milton: Routledge.

Guschke, B.L. forthcoming 2023. Solidarity across Difference-Rethinking Transformational Critique from Black Feminist and Postcolonial Perspectives. In: Mertlitsch, K., Hipfl, B., Kumpusch, V., and Roeseling, P. (eds.): Intersektionale Solidaritäten. Beiträge zur gesellschaftskritischen Geschlechterforschung. Leverkusen: Verlag Barbara Budrich.

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