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Information Letter of Recommendation

You would like me to endorse your application for a scholarship or exchange program? As a first step please check if you meet the minimum criteria.

Application scholarship or exchange program
I know you personally from at least one of my courses. You have successfully completed the course with a grade of “good” (2.0) or better. You meet the criteria of the program you are applying to.

Application PhD scholarship at graduation stage
I was your principal MA thesis supervisor (Erstgutachter) and your thesis has been awarded a grade of “good” or better. You meet the criteria of the program you are applying to.

Application scholarship extension
I have supported your initial application with a letter of recommendation.
(If this is the case, contact my office to enquire about the procedure)

Provided you meet the above criteria, you can send your request to my office. Your email should briefly state which of my courses you have taken including grades received, the program you are applying to and the due date. Please attach a current transcript of records. This is all I will need for a first assessment.

If I agree to act as referee, you will receive a checklist of the information and documents required.

Requests have to be submitted 3 weeks prior due date at the latest. Please be aware that I can only endorse a limited number of applications for the same program and application period.