Henrike Kraul

Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Research Assistant and PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt), Library Officer
PhD project: “Dressing the Self – Formations of (bi)sexual and gender identities in Copenhagen, Denmark”
Personal Profile
Pronouns: she/her
Since February 2022
Research Assistant at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin
October 2017 - December 2020
MA Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin
MA Thesis: “Feelings of Female Solidarity - negotiating boundaries and belonging in a gender-critical collective”
Supervisors: Dr. Judith Albrecht, Dr. Nasima Selim
September 2013 - June 2016
BA Social Sciences (Social Anthropology), University of Manchester
BA Thesis: “In touch with one’s blood – making sense of prevalent discourses on menstruation”
Supervisor: Prof. Michelle Obeid
Part of the research area "Gender, Body, Sexuality"
PhD project: “Dressing the Self – Formations of (bi)sexual and gender identities in Copenhagen, Denmark”
Research Interests:
Feminist Anthropology, Queer Theory, Gender, Sexualities, Emotion and Affect Studies