About Us
Journalism, its current development and its relevance to social communication are at the center of the scientific program of the Division of Journalism Studies. In research and teaching, we dedicate our interest to the professionals in and the structures of news production, its topics, contents and formats as well as the audience, appropriation and reception of journalism.
The meaning of journalism emerges from a complex and continuous feedback process between these elements. Print, radio, television and digital journalism provide valuable sources for our projects. Communication through journalism plays a major role in the process of self-understanding of democratic societies and has an impact on the discursive construction of social identities. At the Division of Journalism Studies, we primarily analyze these aspects in relation to contemporary cultural theory. Gender, ethnicity and age are part of our research perspectives. We focus on political discourse, forms of quality journalism as well as popular entertainment-oriented media. We analyze press and media freedom struggles as well as dynamics of emotion and affect within the public sphere.
In our lectures, seminars and trainings, we follow a dual approach: Research courses in the BA and MA programs focus on the critical analysis of current processes of change in the journalistic field. In our BA program, students also get vocational preparation and we introduce them to specific journalistic techniques and practices. In our Newsroom MedienLabor, students conduct journalistic research and publish their own stories. We collaborate closely with lecturers and guests from the field. By critically analyzing and theorizing the journalistic process, students are thus qualified to understand the dynamics of journalistic work and create journalistic content themselves.