Johanna Burger M.A.

Division Communication Policy / Media Economics
Institute for Media and Communication Studies
Department of Political and Social Sciences
PhD Candidate
Academic career:
08.2007-07.2013: Gymnasium Glarus (High school). Main subject: Latin. Additional subject: Computer science
09.2013-07.2016: Bachelor's degree at the University of Zurich. Major: Journalism and Communication Minor: Political Science
09.2016-01.2021: Master's degree at the University of Zurich, Monomaster: Political Science with focus on "Swiss Politics.
Since 10.2021: Project staff member/Doctoral student SNF at the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden.
Since 10.2021: Lecturer/PhD student at the Free University of Berlin
Since 07.2022: President of the Program Commission SRG Ostschweiz
Since 07.2016: Member of the Program Commission SRG Ostschweiz
Since 09.2020: Member of the Board SRG Ostschweiz
Since 04.2021: Vice-President of the Association for Urban Culture Graubünden
Since 04.2023: Spokeswoman (Co-Fachgruppensprecherin) of the Journalism Research Section SACM - Swiss Association for Communication and Media Research
Since 04.2024: Member of the steering committee and co-chair of the European Consortium for Political Research, section for political communication
Secondary employment:
Freelance journalist at Somedia AG
Summer semester 23:
28846: News deserts - Forschung (News deserts - research)
Winter semester 21/22:
28621: Akteure der Lokalkommunikation und ihre Leistungen (Local communication actors and their services)
Summer semester 22:
28554: Strukturen der Lokalkommunikation (Local communication structures)
Since 2021: Collaboration in the international, interdisciplinary research project "Local Journalism & Municipal Communication in the Digital Transformation", funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
Focus areas
- Local journalism and communication
- News Deserts
- Political communication
Presentations (selection):
- 02.11.2018: European communication conference ECREA, co-presenting: “How to reach the young audience? Interviews with Public Service Media officials in Switzerland before and after the attack on the license fee (‘no billag’)”, Lugano, Switzerland.
- 04.04.2019: "Reaching the young audience - but how? The SRG's view before and after No Billag" at the SGKM 2019 in St. Gallen (CH) together with Dr Corinne Schweizer
- 21.04.2022: Conference of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research, co-presenting: “Neue Zugänge = neue Chancen? Eine Analyse der Schweizer Regional- und Lokalmedien zum aktuellen Stand audiovisueller Innovationen”, Zurich, Switzerland.
- 03.02.2023: Swiss Political Science Association (SPSA) Annual Congress, presenting: “Deserts and oases in Swiss democracy - The coverage of local media and the political and social consequences of news deserts and news oases in Switzerland”, Basel, Switzerland.
- 16.02.2023: Conference of the German Communication Association, specialist group communication and media ethics, presenting: “Neugestaltung der Lokalkommunikation zum Erhalt von Demokratien?”, St. Pölten, Austria.
- 23.06.2023: SFSIC Doctorales (Société Française des Sciences de l'Information & de la Communication) PhD Conference, poster session: “Voter dans les déserts et les oasis d'information - La couverture des informations régionales et locales et son influence sur le vote communal en Suisse”, Dijon, France.
- 20.04.2023: Conference of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research, presenting: “More deserts, less attention for politics? Nachrichten-Oasen, Nachrichten-Wüsten und deren Stellenwert für die kommunale Wahlbeteiligung in der Schweiz”, Lucerne, Switzerland.
- 30.05.2023: ICA post conference Novel Directions in Media Innovation and Funding by the Global Journalism Innovation Lab, presenting: “Innovations in local media (funding) in Switzerland and neighboring countries”, Toronto, Canada.
- 09.02.2024: Conference of the German Communication Association, specialist group communication and politics, presenting: “Which medium is the message? Lokalmediennutzung vor Regierungs- und Grossratswahlen”, Berne, Switzerland.
- 22.02.2024: Conference of the German Communication Association, specialist group communication and media ethics, presenting: “Innovation und Überleben: Facetten der Nachhaltigkeit in Schweizer Lokalmedien – eine Strukturübersicht”, Munich, Germany.
- 15.03.2024: General Conference of the German Communication Association, presenting: “Replik auf die Kritik an der news desert Forschung und neue methodische Überlegungen zum Fortbestand des Forschungsstrangs”, Erfurt, Germany.
- 05.04.2024: Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association MPSA, presenting: “Rethinking news deserts - a response to recent criticism and further methodological development of the research strand on the example of Switzerland", Chicago, USA.