Political agenda-building under the conditions of a hybrid media system – a comparison across countries and issues
Sub-project 7 of the DFG research group "political communication in the online-world" in Berlin
First project phase (2011-2014): The impact of challengers’ online communication on media agenda-building – a comparison across countries and issues.
The project team in Berlin: Julia Krokowski, Prof. Dr. Barbara Pfetsch, Alexa Keinert, Peter Miltner, Hannah Sütfeld, Katharina Nebauer, Dr. Annie Waldherr and Daniel Maier (left to right). (last updated in march 2015)
The project addresses the question of whether and how online communication changes political communication in contemporary democracy with respect to the hopes that the Internet can grant those without direct access to political decision making a platform to mobilize issues and opinions and set the agenda for journalists, politicians and a broad public. Within this framework, our study focuses on media agenda-building and assumes that the democratic potential of online communication lies in spill-over of challengers’ issue networks into traditional mass media and political debate. In particular, we expect that the characteristics of challengers’ online issue networks, i.e. dominant coalitions, frame strength and type of frame-sponsors, affect the likelihood of a breakthrough to both traditional media and politics.
The empirical program is to assess issue-specific online networks regarding climate change and food safety in four countries (Germany, Switzerland, UK and USA) and analyze under what conditions their issues and frames appear in traditional print media and on the official political agenda. In the second period of research, we supplement the manual content analysis of the first project period with computer-assisted content analysis techniques. In this regard, we collaborate with project partners at the Department of Computer Science at University of Leipzig.
Project-leaders: Prof. Dr. Silke Adam and Prof. Dr. Barbara Pfetsch
Projekt team: Dr. Thomas Häussler, Daniel Maier, Peter Miltner, Ueli Reber, Dr. Hannah Schmid-Petri, Dr. Annie Waldherr
Cooperation partner: W. Lance Bennett, FAS.research and Prof. Dr. Gerhard Heyer and team, Institute for Informatics of the University of Leipzig
⇒ The project team in Berlin
The project is carried out in cooperation with a second project group at the Institute of communication and media science of the University of Bern and is a sub-project of the DFG research group "political communication in the online-world".
Publications (under participation of the project team in Berlin):
Articles in peer-revied journals:
Waldherr, Annie / Maier, Daniel / Miltner, Peter / Günther, Enrico (2016). Big Data, Big Noise: The Challenge of Finding Issue Networks on the Web. Social Science Computer Review. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0894439316643050
Pfetsch, Barbara / Maier, Daniel / Miltner, Peter / Waldherr, Annie (2016). Challenger Networks of Food Policy on the Internet: A Comparative Study of Structures and Coalitions in Germany, the UK, the US, and Switzerland. International Journal of E-Politics, 7(1), 16–36, doi: 10.4018/IJEP.2016010102
Pfetsch, Barbara / Adam, Silke & Bennett, Walter Lance (2013): The critical linkage between online and offline media: An approach to researching the conditions of issue spill-over. Javnost – The Public, 20(3), 9–22
- Miltner, Peter / Maier, Daniel / Pfetsch, Barbara & Waldherr, Annie (2013):Online networks of civil society actors as an indicator for politicization? A hyperlink analysis of the food safety issue in Germany. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 5, 201–220.doi: 10.1386/cjcs.5.2.201_1
Book chapters:
Pfetsch, Barbara / Miltner, Peter / Maier, Daniel (2016): Old and New Dynamics of Agenda Building in a Hybrid Media System. In: G. Vowe & P. Henn (Hrsg.), Political Communication in the Online World: Theoretical Approaches and Research Designs. New York, NY / Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 45–58.
- Maier, Daniel / Waldherr, Annie / Miltner, Peter / Schmid-Petri, Hannah / Häussler, Thomas / Adam, Silke (2014): Stichprobenziehung aus dem Netz – Wie man themenspezifische Online-Inhalte erfassen kann. In: K. Sommer, M. Wettstein, W. Wirth, & J. Matthes (Hrsg.), Automatisierung in der Inhaltsanalyse. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 90–110
Waldherr, Annie / Miltner, Peter / Pfetsch, Barbara / Schmid-Petri, Hannah / Häussler, Thomas / Adam, Silke / Streibl, Wolfgang & Bennett, W. Lance (2013): Codebook for the analysis of frames in online documents and newspaper articles. Issue: Food Safety. Freie Universität Berlin.
- Schmid-Petri, Hannah / Häussler, Thomas / Adam, Silke / Waldherr, Annie / Miltner, Peter / Pfetsch, Barbara & Bennett, W. Lance (2013): Codebook for the analysis of frames in online documents and newspaper articles. Issue: Climate change. Universität Bern
- Adam, Silke / Pfetsch, Barbara / Häussler, Thomas / Miltner, Peter / Schmid-Petri, Hannah & Waldherr, Annie (2012): Impact of challengers’ online communication on media agenda-building. Posterpräsentation auf der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), 16. – 18. Mai, Berlin
Maier, Daniel / Waldherr, Annie / Miltner, Peter / Jaehnichen, Patrick & Pfetsch, Barbara (2015): Exploring issues in a networked public sphere. Combining hyperlink network analysis and topic modeling. Paper accepted for presentation at the 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 21–25, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Pfetsch, Barbara / Maier, Daniel / Miltner, Peter & Waldherr, Annie (2015): Connection for Salience – Old and New Media in Agenda Building on the Internet. A Comparison between German and US American Issue Networks. Vortrag im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikations‐ und Medienwissenschaft (SGKM), 13. – 14. März, Bern.
Pfetsch, Barbara / Miltner, Peter & Waldherr, Annie (2015): Alte und neue Dynamiken des Agenda-Building in der Online-Welt – Ein Beitrag zur Theoriebildung der politischen Kommunikationsforschung. Vortrag im Rahmen der Gemeinsamen Jahrestagung „Politische Online-Kommunikation Voraussetzungen, Facetten und Folgen des strukturellen Wandels politischer Kommunikation“ des Arbeitskreises „Politik und Kommunikation“ der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW), der Fachgruppe „Kommunikation und Politik“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK) und der Fachgruppe „Politische Kommunikation“ der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikations‐ und Medienwissenschaft (SGKM), 20. – 21. Februar, Düsseldorf.
Pfetsch, Barbara / Maier, Daniel / Miltner, Peter & Waldherr, Annie (2014): Connection for salience – Old and new media in agenda-building on the Internet. Paper presented at the ECREA 5th European Communication Conference, November 12 – 15, Lisbon, Portugal.
Miltner, Peter (2014): What’s in a link? An analysis of hyperlinks’ strategic functions in an online issue network. Paper presented at the ECREA 5th European Communication Conference, November 12 – 15, Lisbon, Portugal.
Miltner, Peter / Pfetsch, Barbara / Maier, Daniel & Waldherr, Annie (2014): Grasping issues in a networked public sphere: Strategies to draw and prepare random samples of heterogeneous web sources. Paper presented at the conference Political Context Matters: Content Analysis in the Social Sciences, 10. – 11. Oktober, Mannheim.
Waldherr, Annie & Schmid-Petri, Hannah (2014): Integrieren journalistische Onlinemedien die Netzöffentlichkeit? Deutschland und die USA im Vergleich. Vortrag im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), 28. – 30. Mai, Passau.
Miltner, Peter / Maier, Daniel / Waldherr, Annie & Pfetsch, Barbara (2014): Wie flüchtig ist digitale Öffentlichkeit? Empirische Befunde zur Stabilität und Dynamik themenspezifischer Öffentlichkeiten im Internet. Vortrag im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), 28. – 30. Mai, Passau.
Waldherr, Annie / Maier, Daniel / Miltner, Peter & Günther, Enrico (2014): Big data, big noise: The challenge of extracting issue networks from the Web. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 22 – 26, Seattle / WA, USA.
Pfetsch, Barbara / Maier, Daniel / Miltner, Peter & Waldherr, Annie (2013): Online networks of challengers in food policy: A comparative study of structures and coalitions in Germany, UK, US and Switzerland. Paper presented at the 7th ECPR General Conference, 4.-7. September, Bordeaux, France.
Schmid-Petri, Hannah / Häussler, Thomas / Adam, Silke / Waldherr, Annie / Miltner, Peter / Pfetsch, Barbara / Bennett, Lance (2012): Selecting and framing in a digital age: Is online communication of challengers abandoning mass media´s logic? Paper presented at the ECREA 4th European Communication Conference, October 24 – 27, Istanbul, Turkey.
Schmid-Petri, Hannah / Waldherr, Annie / Häussler, Thomas / Miltner, Peter / Adam, Silke (2012): Was passiert zu einem Thema im Netz? Die Herausforderung, dynamische online-Netzwerke und deren Diskurse zu erfassen. Vortrag im Rahmen der Tagung „Fortschritte in der Inhaltsanalyse“ der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Methoden, 28.– 29. September, Zürich, Schweiz.
Waldherr, Annie / Häussler, Thomas / Miltner, Peter / Pfetsch, Barbara / Schmid-Petri, Hannah / Adam, Silke / Streibl, Wolfgang & Bennett, W. Lance (2012): Comparing apples and oranges: The challenge of measuring online-offline discourse dynamics. Paper presented at the 62nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 24 – 28, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
Pfetsch, Barbara / Adam, Silke (2011). Media Agenda Building in Online and Offline Media - Comparing Issues and Countries. Paper presented at the 6th ECPR General Conference, August 25 –27, Reykjavik, Iceland.