Dominika Tronina

Division Communication Theory and Media Effects
Institute for Media and Communication Studies
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Associate Fellow
Since 2020: Research Associate for Comparative Democracy Research and Political Systems of Eastern Europe at the Humboldt University Berlin and at the Center for Comparative Research on Democracy.
04/2023 to 06/2023: Research visit at the Scuola Normale Superiore/Centre on Social Movement Studies in Florence
09/2022 to 10/2022: Research visit at the Princeton University, NJ
2019: Student assistant at the Center for East European and International Studies Berlin
2017 to 2019: Master's degree in Eastern European Studies (Sociology) at the Freie University of Berlin with study visit to the University of Haifa
2017 to 2018: Student assistant at the Social Science Research Center Berlin
2013 to 2017: Bachelor's degree in Polish Studies and Sociology at the University of Potsdam with study visit at the University of Warsaw
Right-wing and radical right-wing social movements (especially anti-gender/anti-feminism)
East-Central and Eastern Europe
Political communication and social media
Journal Articles
Tronina, D. (2020). Unholy Alliances? A Case Study of Cooperation between Churches and the Radical Right Group Młodzież Wszechpolska in Poland. Polish Political Science Review, 8(1), 68–86.
Other Publications
Tronina, D. (2022, 22. Dezember). Europa: Frieden, Wohlstand und eine marginalisierte östliche Perspektive [Europe: Prosperity and a Marginalized Eastern Perspective]. L.I.S.A. Wissenschaftsportal Gerda Henkel Stiftung.