Political Authenticity (Guest lecture from Dr. Simon Lübke, LMU Munich) | 12. December 2024 (Garystr. 55/121 Seminarraum, 14:15-15:45)
Vote for me, I am authentic! Insights into the current research on authenticity in political communication.
News from Dec 03, 2024
Authenticity is a prominent concept in current political discourses and serves as a decisive factor in modern campaigns. Specifically, the popularity of populist politicians is often attributed to their image as (especially) authentic. But what is political authenticity? How can we empirically measure the concept through various perspectives? And what do we know about how authenticity affects how people vote? These questions and more will be discussed next Thursday in the Masters´ seminar "Visual Political Communication". Everyone interested is welcome to join the lecture and discussion.
Dr. Simon Lübke is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Media and Communication at the LMU Munich. After his studies in Communication and Political science at the Free University Berlin, he successfully obtained a doctorate´s degree at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena on the topic of authenticity in politics. He is currently working on the interdisciplinary research project KLIMA-MEMES, which examines the influence of humorous communication on political decision-making in the context of climate change.
Time and place:
- Thursday, 12. December, 14:15-15:45
- Garrystr. 121/121 Seminarraum, 14195 Berlin