Susanne Reinhardt, M.A.

Institute for Media and Communication Studies
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Researcher in the research group "WealthTalks"
14195 Berlin
12/2023 - 07/2024: Associated researcher at the German Centre for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM) in the Cluster "Data-method-monitoring“
03/2023 - 03/2024: Associated researcher at the Weizenbaum-Institute for the networked society in the research group "Dynamics of Digital Mobilization"
11/2022 - 10/2023: Research assistant at the German Centre for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM) in the Cluster "Data-method-monitoring“
02/2018 - 09/2022: Research assistant and PhD student at the Weizenbaum-Institute for the networked society in the research group "Digitalisation and the Transnational Public Sphere"
10/2015 - 01/2018: Master's program "Media and Political Communication" at Freie Universität Berlin
political communication about social inequality with a focus on gender and class
feminist and anti-feminist (counter-)public spheres in the context of opportunity structures
everyday conversations about economical inequality
digital communication of right-wing populist and far-right media and parties
Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)
- Reinhardt, S. (2023). Distinct information ecologies? Gender knowledge production in German digital legacy and counterpublic media. Feminist Media Studies, 1–19.
- Reinhardt, S., Heft, A., & Pavan, E. (2023). Varieties of antigenderism: the politicization of gender issues across three European populist radical right parties. Information, Communication & Society, 1–22.
- Heft, A., Reinhardt, S., & Pfetsch, B. (2022). Mobilization and support structures in radical right party networks. Digital political communication ecologies in the 2019 European parliament elections. Information Communication and Society.
- Reinhardt, S. (2022). Discourse Coalitions against Gender and sexual Equality: Antifeminism as a common Denominator between the Radical Right and the Mainstream? Feminist Media Studies, 1–18.
- Heft, A., Knüpfer, C., Reinhardt, S., & Mayerhöffer, E. (2021). Toward a Transnational Information Ecology on the Right? Hyperlink Networking among Right-Wing Digital News Sites in Europe and the United States. International Journal of Press/Politics, 26(2), 484–504.
- Heft, A., Mayerhöffer, E., Reinhardt, S., & Knüpfer, C. (2020). Beyond Breitbart: Comparing Right‐Wing Digital News Infrastructures in Six Western Democracies. Policy & Internet, 12(1), 20–45.
Book Chapters
- Reinhardt, S. (2019). Network Gatekeeping During the German National Elections 2017: Does Twitter Enable a More Inclusive Public Sphere? In M. Kretzler, E. Okon, L. Roßmannek, & C. L. Simon (Eds.), Facetten Politischer Kommunikation. Von Campaigning und Public Affairs Management zu Deliberation und Fragmentierung (pp. 185–205). Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
- Lin, Z., Hamm, A., Reinhardt, S. (2018). Political Communication Chinese Style: The Elite Network in State-Regulated Sina Weibo. In C. Richter, A. Antonakis & C. Harders (Eds.), Digital Media and the Politics of Transformation in the Arab World and Asia (pp. 85–111). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
- Reinhardt, S. "Distinct Information Ecologies? Modes of Gender Knowledge Production in German Digital Legacy and Counterpublic Media." ICA 2023 – 73rd Annual Conference "Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication", Toronto, Canada, 25.05.–29.05.2023.
- Reinhardt, S., Heft, A., Pavan, E. "Varieties of Antigenderism: The Politicization of Gender Issues Across European Populist Radical Right Parties." ECPG 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 06.07.– 08.07.2022.
- Reinhardt, S. "Political Cultures of Antigenderism: The Politicization of Gender Issues Across European Populist Radical Right Parties." ICA 2022 – 72nd Annual Conference "One World – One Network?!", Paris, France, 26.05.–30.05.2022.
- Reinhardt, S. "Discourse Coalitions Against Gender and Sexual Equality. Antifeminism as a common denominator between the Far Right and the Mainstream?" 8th ECREA European Communication Conference. "Communication and Trust", 06.–09.09. 2021, Virtual Conference.
- Reinhardt, S. "Discourse Coalitions in Opposition to Feminism and Gender Equity – Does Far-Right Antifeminism Converge with the Political Mainstream?" Conference "Populism, Gender and Feminist Politics: Between Backlash and Resistance". Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence, Italy. Virtual Conference, 11.12.2020.
- Reinhardt, S. "Discursive Alliances in Opposition to Gender Equity – Convergence of Right-Wing Antifeminism and Femonationalism with the Political Mainstream?". 14. ECPR General Conference. Virtual Conference, 26.08.2020.
- Heft, A., Reinhardt, S. & Pfetsch, B. "Mobilization and support structures in networks on the political right. Right-wing parties’ digital linkages and user engagements in the context of the 2019 EP election". 14. ECPR General Conference. Virtual Conference, 26.08.2020.
- Heft, A., Reinhardt, S. & Pfetsch, B. "Transnational mobilization networks on the right? Structures and dynamics in right- wing parties digital linkages and user engagements in the context of the 2019 EP election". 2020 ISPP Annual Meeting "Polarization, Misinformation, and Entrenched Group Conflict: Harnessing Political Psychology to Find Solutions to Problems New and Old". Virtual Conference, 14.07.2020.
- Heft, A., Reinhardt, & Pfetsch, B. "Transnational mobilization networks on the political right? A study of structures and dynamics in right-wing parties digital linkages across six countries in the context of the 2019 EP election". ICA 2020 – 70th Annual Conference "Open Communication". Virtual Conference, 20.05.2020.
- Heft, A., Knüpfer, C. B., Mayerhöffer, E. & Reinhardt, S. "Transnational networking and (dis- )integration among right-wing digital news ecologies in Europe and the US". Fifth Conference of the International Journal of Press/Politics (IJPP). Loughborough University, 16.09.2019.
- Reinhardt, S. "Politische Kulturen des Antifeminismus. Die Politisierung von Gleichstellung durch rechte Parteien in Europa". Jahrestagung der DGPuK Fachgruppe Medien, Öffentlichkeit und Geschlecht. "Medien und Ungleichheiten – (trans-)nationale Perspektiven auf Geschlecht, Diversität und Identität". Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, 22.– 24. September 2021.
- Heft, A., Knüpfer, C. B., Mayerhöffer, E. & Reinhardt, S.: "Transnationaler Nationalismus? Vernetzung und (Des-)Integration zwischen rechten digitalen Nachrichtenökologien in Europa und den USA", Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, 9.–11. Mai 2019.
- Reinhardt, S. "Network Gatekeeping on Twitter During the German National Election Campaign 2017". Düsseldorfer Forum für Politische Kommunikation (DFPK), Düsseldorf, 6. April 2018.
- Lin, Z., Hamm, A., & Reinhardt, S. "Political Communication Chinese Style: The Elite Network in State-Regulated Sina Weibo". Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Berlin, 21.- 22. September 2017.