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Alexander Sängerlaub, M. A.

Alexander Sängerlaub

Research Associate until March 2013

August 2011 - March 2013:

Research Associate at the Division Media Analysis/Research Methods, Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universität Berlin

2007 - 2011:

Tutor/Student Assistent at the Division Research Methods/Applied Communication Research, Institute for Media and Communication Studies at Freie Universität Berlin

2008 - 2011:

Freelancing work for research projects at different universities (Freie Universität Berlin, Universität Stuttgart Hohenheim) and media research institutes (GöfaK), e.g. "Political Communication Cultures in Western Europe - A Comparative Study" (2009 - 2010)

2008 - 2011:

Master of Arts, Media and Political Communication at Freie Universität Berlin; Thesis "Personalisierung in der Wahlkampfberichterstattung. Macht die Methode das Ergebnis?"  [Personalisation in the News Coverage of Electoral Campaigns. Does the method influence the result?]

2005 - 2008:

Bachelor of Arts, Media and Communication Studies and Psychology at Freie Universität Berlin; Thesis "Wahlkampf im WWW. Politische Kommunikation à la MySpace & YouTube" [Electoral Campaigns in the WWW. Political Communication à la MySpace and YouTube

  • Epistemological Basics and Data Collection (Seminar, Winter 11/12)
  • Introduction to Data Analysis with SPSS (Tutorial/Seminar, Winter 11/12)
  • Methods of Political Communication Research: Crash Course (Seminar, Winter 08/09, 09/10 & 10/11)
  • Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistics (Tutorial, Summer 08, 09 & 10)
  • Introduction to Scientific Work (Tutorial, Winter 08/09)
  • Political Communication
  • Empirical Communication Research and Methods Development
  • Game Studies

Sängerlaub, A.; Maurer, T. (2011): Personalisierung der Wahlkampfberichterstattung in Fernsehnachrichten. Analysen zum Bundestagswahlkampf 2009. In ALM (Eds.): Programmbericht 2010. Fernsehen in Deutschland. Berlin (Vistas), pp. 124-145. [Personalisation in TV News Coverage of Electoral Campaigns. An Analysis of the German National Election Campaign in 2009]

Jarolimek, S.; Dubowicz, A.; Greyer, J.; Kunkel, J.; Obst, R.; Schink, C.; Sängerlaub, A., Thobaben, T.; Vogt, M. (2010): Öffentliches und Geheimes. Die Berichterstattung über die flächendeckende Schweinegrippeimpfung. In: Publizistik, 55. Jg., Nr. 04, München (VS Verlag), pp. 405-425. [The Public and the Hidden. The Coverage of the Nationwide Pig Flu Vaccination]
