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Stefanie Eckardt M.A.


Research Associate until March 2014

Since 2011

Research Associate at the Division Media Analysis/Research Methods, Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universität Berlin

Since 2010 Visiting Lecturer at the Institute for Communication Science (IfKW) – Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Project Assistant "Migrants in the Media ": Meta-analysis on behalf of the Civis Media Foundation

Tutor at the Chair of Mediated Communication and Media Effects, Institute for Communication Science, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

2004 - 2010 Magistra Artium, Media Science, Intercultural Business Communication, and Economics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena; Thesis "Minor Role available: Claim Analysis of an Active-Passive-Balance regarding the Representation of Migrants in German Newspapers "

(in German language)

  • Empirical Communication Research

  • Network Analysis

  • Migration and Media

Selected Publications

Eckardt, S. (forthcoming, 2012): Statistenrolle als Migrant zu vergeben: Konzeption einer Aktiv-Passiv-Bilanz zur medialen Repräsentation von Migranten mit netzwerkanalytischen Befunden. In: Publizistik, [Online] DOI: 10.1007/s11616-012-0137-x. [Minor Role Available: Conception of an Active-Passive-Balance regarding the Media Representation of Migrants based on Network-analytic Results].


Ruhrmann, G. (2009): Migranten und Medien: Dokumentation zum Forschungsstand der wichtigsten Studien über die Mediendarstellung, Nutzung und Rezeption von Migranten und ethnischen Minderheiten von 2003 bis 2009. [Migrants and Media: Documentation to the State of Research of the most important Studies on the Media Portrayal, Use and Reception of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities between 2003 and 2009]. (Assistance to Prof. Dr. Ruhrmann, for the CIVIS Media Foundation)
