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Master Program Media and Political Communication

Structure of the Module "Methodology of Empirical Communication and Media Research"

Contents of the Methodology Module (Translation of the Excerpt of the Study Regulations of 2017)

The students will be introduced to advanced procedures of data collection within the scope of empirical communication and media research. Methodological and methodical knowledge of political and media oriented social science will be imparted: Theory and practice of sampling; comparative studies; primary and secondary analyses; procedures of content analyses and surveys; methodological reflection of academic and applied communication and media research. Based on a case study on political communication, independent research projects will be conducted by undergoing all work stages of an empirical study - from the formulation of a hypothesis and its justification through the conception and realization of the data analysis to the presentation and interpretation of the research results. Moreover, advanced procedures of data analysis will be presented, especially procedures of multivariate statistics covering and examining structures.

Structure of the Module "Project-Oriented Imparting of Scientific Problem Analysis"

Contents of the Project Module (Translation of the Excerpt of the Study Regulations of 2017 for Media and Communication Studies)

Within the scope of the module and either on their own or in small groups, the students work on a research problem that is formulated by external partners, teaching persons or also by the students themselves. A special focus will be put on the practical analysis of methods and procedures of increasing scientific knowledge. Students will be able to plan and conduct scientific data collections, to apply advanced procedures of data analysis or to organize scientific discourses by means of a self-planned conference or innovative digital formats of communication. Here it is expected to refer to the contents of the research fields in Media and Communication Studies as well as to its specific methods. Students will work independently and regularly consult their supervisors for the discussion of interim results. Finally, the results will be documented in a project report.
