Lukas Benedikt Hoffmann

Division Media Use Research
Institute for Media and Communication Studies
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Research and Teaching
Room 168
14195 Berlin
Office hours
Consultation Hours during Summer Term 2024:
Wednesdays, 01:15 - 02:45 p. m., upon request via e-mail
Consultation Hours during Semester Break of Winter Term 2024/ 25:
By individual arrangement
Winter Term 2024/ 25 (Preview):
- PS 28593 Daten-Journalismus: Sport (Lukas Hoffmann + Tong-Jin Smith)
- PS 28594 Daten-Journalismus: Migration (Lukas Hoffmann + Tong-Jin Smith)
Summer Term 2024:
- S 28539 (a) Befragung
- S 28625 Us vs. Them: Identität, Flucht und Migration
Winter Term 2023/ 24:
Research Interests:
- Political Communication
- Flight and Migration
- Media Use Research
- Computational Methods
Journal Articles
Hoffmann, L. B., & Hameleers, M. (2024). Unequal Framing in Times of Hardship? How Newspapers from Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom and Switzerland Portray Syrian and Ukrainian Refugees – Evidence from a Deductive and Inductive Automated Content Analysis. Mass Communication & Society, 1–32.
Goldberg, A. C., & Hoffmann, L. B. (2024). Peoples’ perspectives on the ‘Future of EUrope’ – A comparative study from within and beyond the European Union. European Union Politics, 25(1), 151-172.
Bürgel, C., Buttgereit, L., Helsper, S., Hoffmann, L. B., Horn, M., Jochims, N., Nissen, R. & Roßdeutscher, J. (2019): Medialer Wandel und gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt [Medial Change and Social Cohesion]. Frank & Timme Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-3-7329-0596-6.
Conference Papers
Goldberg, A., Hoffmann, L. B. (2022, 23-25 Juni): Peoples’ perspectives on the "Future of EUrope’ – a comparative study from within and beyond the EU [Conference paper]. 12th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), Prague, Czech Republic.
Other Publications
Lukas B. Hoffmann & Andreas C. Goldberg (2024). What kind of "EUrope" do Europeans want? European Politics and Policy by London School of Economics.
Schmidtke, F., Hoffmann, L. B. (2021): Ich trau mich nicht mehr auf die Straße“ – Neonazistischer Alltag im Erfurter Herrenberg und seine Bekämpfung. ["I don't dare go out on the street anymore" - Neo nazism in everyday life in Erfurt's Herrenberg and how to fight it]. In: Institut für Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft [Eds.]: Wissen schafft Demokratie. Schwerpunkt Demokratiegefährdungen in der Coronakrise, Vol. 9. Jena, S. 98–107.
- Awardee of the HORIZONT Award 2019 of the HORIZONT Foundation and dfv Mediengruppe for the co-authorship of the study "Medialer Wandel und gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt" [Medial Change and Social Cohesion].
- Communication Science Research Master degree at the University of Amsterdam with distinction