Matthias Duchscherer M. A.

Research Associate until April 2014
Research project "ICT-based Local Information and Communication Systems for Sustainable Development"
November 2013 - April 2014 | Researcher in a research project "ICT-based Local Information and Communication Systems for Sustainable Development" at the Division Media Use Research" of the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at Freie Universität Berlin |
since May 2010 | Free-lance project developer, networker and consultant with a focus on sustainable devolopment of infrastructures in Africa |
since 2009 |
Initiator and President of the non-profit organization "Project Lighthouse Africa e. V." and its subsidiaries in Gambia and Kenya |
May 2009 - April 2010 | Employee in the project "Militärische 'Media Relations' Die Beziehungen von Bundeswehr und US-Streitkräften zu den Medien: Vergleichende Analyse des militärischen Kommunikationsmanagements seit 1990" ("Military 'Media Relations'. The Relation of Federal Armed Forces and US Armies to the Media: Comparative Analysis of the Military Communication Management since 1990") funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation) |
October 2006 - April 2010 | Researcher Institute of Media and Communication Science (IfMK) of Technische Universität Ilmenau, part of the research group "Media Science" |
May 2006 - June 2010 | Manager and partner of RECODE - German Institute for Strategic Communication, Erfurt |