Dr. Pablo Porten-Cheé

Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society
Institute for Media and Communication Studies
Division Media Use Research/ Research Group 13
Head of Research Group 13 at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society
Curriculum Vitae
Since 12/ 2017 |
Head of Research Group 13 "Digital Citizenship" at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society |
04/ 2017 - 11/ 2017 |
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Communication and Media Research at the University of Zurich |
2016 |
Research stay at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá (Columbia) hosted by Alcides Velásquez, Ph.D. - Objective: Theoretical foundation of the project "Gesprächsorientierte Medienauswahl. Ein interkulturelles Experiment zum Einfluss antizipierter Gespräche auf die funktionale Selektion von Medieninhalten" (Dialogue-Oriented Media Selection. An Intercultural Experiment on the Impact of Anticipated Dialogues on the Functional Selection of Media Contents) |
2015 |
Dissertation on the topic "Anschlusskommunikation als Medienwirkung: Der Einfluss von Relevanz und Qualität von Medieninhalten auf das Gesprächsverhalten" (Follow-up Communication as a Media Effect: The Impact of Relevance and Quality of Media Contents on the Communicative Behavior) at the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf (Dr. phil.) |
2011 - 2017 |
Research Assistant at the Social Sciences Institute, Professorship for Communication and Media Research III at the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf; especially project member of the research group "Political Communication in the Online-World" (sub-project on the Perception of the Public Opinion) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and supervised by Prof. Dr. Christiane Eilders |
2010 - 2011 |
Research and Graduate Assistant at the division Empirical Media Research and Political Communication at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies of Technical University Ilmenau |
2009 |
Master of Arts in Media and Communication Research |
2008 - 2009 |
Graduate Assistant at the division Empirical Media Research and Political Communication at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies of Technical University Ilmenau |
2008 - 2009 |
Studies in Media and Communication Research at Technical University Ilmenau |
2007 |
Diploma in Business Administration |
2002 - 2007 |
Studies in Business Administration, Market and Communication Research at Hochschule Pforzheim |
Activities as Reviewer
Journal of Communication, New Media & Society, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Journalism, Journal of Media Psychology, Journal of Information Technology & Politics, Publizistik, Studies in Communication and Media, Global Media Journal (German Edition), ICA (political communication, communication and technology and mass communication), DGPuK (expert groups on communication and politics, research on reception and effects), Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Fernsehen e.V. (expert review on a media pedagogical project)
Membership in Research Associations
- The German Communication Association (DGPuK)
- International Communication Association (ICA)
- European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
Academic Self-Administration
Organization of the reviewing process and the program for the annual conference of the German Communication Association 2017, March 31 to April 1, 2017 in Düsseldorf (in coopertation with Olaf Jandura)
Research Focus
- The change of the role of the citizen under conditions of digitalization and effects on political participation and discourse
- Character and effects of political contents in non-political online forums (for instance leisure or finance related)
- Political media effects induced by online use and information (processes induced by the spiral of silence, fragmentation and the role of information on popularity)
- Factors of follow-up communication and effects of anticipated dialogues on the selection of media contents
Research Projects
- "Digital Citizenship", Head of Research Group 13 of the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society (German Internet Institute). Research on the change of the role of the citizen and its effect on participation, communication and discourse under conditions of online communication, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (duration of the project/ first funding period: September 15, 2017 - September 14, 2020)
- The Individiual and the Public Sphere. How Popularity Cues Affect the Perception of Public Opinion and the Willingness to Speak Out", sub-project within the Research Group 1381 "Political Communication in the Online-World", funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and supervised by Prof. Dr. Christiane Eilders (duration of the project: August 1, 2011 - July 31, 2017)
- Dialogue-Oriented Media Selection. An Intercultural Experiment on the Impact of Anticipated Dialogues on the Functional Selection of Media Contents. Project in cooperation with Alcides Velásquez, Ph.D. (University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA, since August 2016), financed by the Heinrich Hertz Foundation of the government of North Rhine-Westphalia
- Porten-Cheé, P. (2017). Anschlusskommunikation als Medienwirkung. Der Einfluss von Relevanz und Qualität von Medieninhalten auf das Gesprächsverhalten. Baden-Baden: Nomos. [Review by Denise Sommer in Publizistik 1/ 2018: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11616-017-0396-7]
Journal Articles
- Porten-Cheé, P., Kunst, M. & Emmer, M. (accepted). Online civic intervention: A new form of political participation under conditions of disruptive online behavior. International Journal of Communication.
- Jorring, L., Valentim, A. &, Porten-Cheé, P. (accepted). Mapping a changing field: A literature review on digital citizenship. Digital Culture & Society.
- Porten-Cheé, P. & Eilders, C. (accepted, online first). The effects of likes on public opinion perception and personal opinion. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research.
- Porten-Cheé, P. & Eilders, C. (2019). Fragmentation in high-choice media environments from a micro-perspective: Effects of selective exposure on issue diversity in individual repertoires. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, 44(2): 139 – 161.
- Friess, D. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2018). What do participants take away from local eParticipation? Analyzing the success of local eParticipation initiatives from a democratic citizens’ perspectives. Analyse & Kritik: Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory, 40(1), 1 – 29.
- Porten-Cheé, P., Haßler, J., Jost, P., Eilders, C., & Maurer, M. (2018). Popularity cues in online Media: Theoretical and methodological perspectives in political communication research. Studies in Communication and Media, 7(2), 210 – 230.
- Porten-Cheé, P. & Eilders, C. (2015). Spiral of silence online: How online communication affects opinion climate perception and opinion expression regarding the climate change debate. Studies in Communication Sciences, 15(1), 143 - 150. doi:10.1016/j.scoms.2015.03.002.
- Porten-Cheé, P. (2013). The use of party Web sites and effects on voting: The case of the European Parliamentary Elections in Germany in 2009. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 10(3), 310 - 325. doi:10.1080/19331681.2013.803946.
- Porten-Cheé, P., Arlt, D., & Wolling, J. (2013). Informationssuche zwischen Energiepolitik und Energiespartipps. Einstellungs-Verhaltens-Relationen als Erklärungsfaktoren der aktiven Suche nach energiebezogenen Informationen. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 61(2), 183 - 201. doi:10.5771/1615-634x-2013-2-183.
- Zeller, F., Wolling, J. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2010). Framing 0/1. Wie die Medien über die „Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft“ berichten. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 58(4), 503 - 524. doi:10.5771/1615-634x-2010-4-503.
Edited Volumes
- Eilders, C., & Porten-Cheé, P. (2016). The spiral of silence revisited. In: G. Vowe & P. Henn (Eds.), Political communication in the online world: theoretical approaches and research designs (pp. 88 - 102). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Bernhard, U., Porten-Cheé, P. & Schultze, M. (2016). Survey research online. In: G. Vowe & P. Henn (Eds.), Political communication in the online world: theoretical approaches and research designs (pp. 218 - 232). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Eilders, C., & Porten-Cheé, P. (2015). Die Schweigespirale unter Bedingungen von Online-Kommunikation: Eine Untersuchung im Kontext der Bundestagswahl 2013. In: C. Holtz-Bacha (Ed.), Die Massenmedien im Wahlkampf. Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2013 (pp. 293 - 316). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Porten-Cheé, P. & Wolling, J. (2013). Wahlkämpfe als Katalysatoren? Der Einfluss von Wahlen auf den Wandel digitaler politischer Kommunikation. In: T. Roessing & N. Podschuweit (Eds.), Politische Kommunikation in Zeiten des Medienwandels (pp. 163 - 196). Berlin: de Gruyter.
- Porten-Cheé, P. (2015). Rezension von C. Reinemann (Ed.), Political Communication. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 63(4), 607 - 609.
- Porten-Cheé, P., Kunst, M., Emmer, M. (accepted). Online civic intervention: A new form of political participation under conditions of disruptive online behavior. Conference of the Political Communication Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association, September 12 - 13, Poznań.
- Leißner, L., Porten-Cheé, P., Paasch-Colberg, S. (accepted). Practicing public sphere on YouTube: Integrative, orientative and participative functions of YouTube videos on the migration discourse. Conference of the Political Communication Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association, September 12 - 13, Poznań.
Porten-Cheé, P., Jørring, L., Valentim, A., Leißner, L., Emmer, M. & Gagrčin, E. (accepted). Social media shaping good citizens: Citizenship norms and their consequences on political participation among heavy social media users. Social Media & Society Conference. July 19 - 21, Toronto.
- Kunst, M., Porten-Cheé, P. & Eilders, C. (accepted). Do “Good Citizens” Fight Hate Speech Online? Investigating the Impact of Citizenship Norms on User Responses to Hate Comments. International Communication Association Annual Conference, May 24 - 28, Washington D. C.
- Eilders, C. & Porten-Cheé, P. (accepted). Effects of Online User Comments on Public Opinion Perception, Personal Opinion, and Willingness to Speak Out: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between Germany and South Korea. International Communication Association Annual Conference, May 24 - 28, Washington D. C.
Porten-Cheé, P. & Kunst, M. (2018). Conceptualizing emergent citizenship norms as drivers of user interventions in disrupted online discussions. The Deliberative Quality of Communication Conference. November 8 - 9, Mannheim.
Porten-Cheé, P., Haßler, J., Jost, P. B., Maurer, M., & Eilders, C. (2018). A theoretical foundation of the causes and effects of online popularity cues in the realm of political communication research. European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association, October 31 to November 3, Lugano.
Eilders, C. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2018). Hostile peers in social media? Relating spiral of silence theory and hostile media perception in opinion-consonant environments. European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association, October 31 to November 3, Lugano.
- Jorring, L., Valentim, A. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2018). Mapping the Field: A Literature Review on Digital Citizenship. The Internet, Policy & Politics Conference. September 20 - 21, Oxford.
Leißner, L., Valentim, A. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2018). Good citizens share: Reviewing and enhancing citizenship norms research in light of digitalization. International Conference of the Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association. September 5 - 7, London.
- Porten-Cheé, P. (2017). Discussion factors: How relevance and quality cues in media content promote media-stimulated interpersonal communication. International Communication Association Annual Conference, May 25 to 29, San Diego.
- Porten-Cheé, P. & Eilders, C. (2017). The power of "many likes". Online popularity cues' effects on personal opinion and public opinion perception. International Communication Association Annual Conference, May 25 to 29, San Diego.
- Dohle, M., Eilders, C., Kelm, O. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2017). How perceptual processes affect individuals' political communication activities: Results of a research program. Preconference: "Political Communication in the Online World". International Communication Association Annual Conference, May 25 to 29, San Diego.
- Porten-Cheé, P. & Eilders, C. (2016). The sense of the visible others: Effects of online popularity cues on public opinion perception and personal opinion formation. European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association, November 9 to 12, Prague.
- Frieß, D. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2016). Democratic value experiences in online participation. A theoretical model and evidence on perceived participatory effects. International Association for Media and Communication Research 2016 Conference, July 27 to 31, Leicester.
- Eilders, C. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2016). Effects of popularity cues on public opinion perception: Theoretical approach and findings of an online diary study on climate change. International Communication Association Annual Conference, June 9 to 13, Fukuoka.
- Porten-Cheé, P. (2015). Factors of media-stimulated interpersonal communication. Evidence from an online diary study. Conference of the Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association, November 10 to 11, Aarhus.
- Porten-Cheé, P. & Eilders, C. (2015). The paradox of online communication and audience fragmentation. Evidence from two online diary studies in Germany. Conference of the Political Communication Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association, August 27 to 28, Odense.
- Porten-Cheé, P. & Eilders, C. (2014). Das Paradox der Online-Kommunikation. Publikumsfragmentierung unter Bedingungen von Angebotsvielfalt. Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Soziologie der Medienkommunikation der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, October 9 to 11, Düsseldorf.
- Eilders, C. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2014). The spiral of silence under online conditions: Individual media repertoires and their effects on public opinion perception and willingness to speak out. Digital Disruption to Journalism and Mass Commnucation Theory Conference, October 2 to 3, Brussels.
- Eilders, C. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2014). Perception of public opinion and willingness to speak Out in fragmented audiences. International Communication Association Annual Conference, May 22 to 26, Seattle.
- Arlt, D., Wolling, J. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2013). Information-seeking between energy policies and energy saving: Attitude-behavior-relations as influencing factors to explain the information-seeking behavior on energy related information in Germany. International Association for Media and Communication Research 2013 Conference, June 25 to 29, Dublin.
- Porten-Cheé, P. & Eilders, C. (2013). Scanning public opinion through the media. Effects of differential media use on the perception of public opinion. International Association for Media and Communication Research 2013 Conference, June 25 to 29, Dublin.
- Porten-Cheé, P. & Eilders, C. (2013). Beyond the mass media: Fragmentation in non-journalistic online media content on climate change. International Communication Association Annual Conference, June 17 to 21, London.
- Porten-Cheé, P. & Eilders, C. (2013). Der Einfluss von nicht-journalistischen Online-Inhalten auf die Artikulationsbereitschaft zum Thema Klimawandel. Erste Befunde einer Mehrmethodenstudie auf Individualdatenniveau. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, May 8 to 10, Mainz.
- Eilders, C. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2012). Public spheres in social media. European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association, October 24 to 27, Istanbul.
- Porten-Cheé, P. & Eilders, C. (2012). Die Schweigespirale in der Online-Kommunikation. Modell und methodische Konsequenzen. Gemeinsamer Workshop des DFG-SPP 1505 „Mediatisierte Welten“ und der DFG-FG 1381 „Politische Kommunikation in der Online-Welt“, July 5, Düsseldorf.
- Porten-Cheé, P. (2012). The democratic impact of "imagined communities": online political discussion and swing vote at the European Parliament Elections 2004 and 2009 in Germany. International Communication Association Annual Conference, May 24 to 28, Phoenix.
- Eilders, C. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2012). The sense of the imaginary others. Theoretical and conceptual considerations on online users’s perception of public opinion. Preconference: "Political Communication in the Online World: Innovation in Theory and Research Designs". International Communication Association Annual Conference, May 23, Phoenix.
- Eilders, C. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2012). Der Einzelne und die Öffentlichkeit. Die Wahrnehmung öffentlicher Meinung in Online-Öffentlichkeiten und ihre Folgen auf die Artikulationsbereitschaft. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, May 16 to 18, Berlin.
- Porten-Cheé, P. (2011). Binary codes, binary modes? Frame building patterns in the German press coverage about the social digitisation. Conference of the Political Communication Sections of the International Political Science Association and the International Association of Media and Communication Research, November 17 to 18, Lisbon.
- Porten-Cheé, P. & Wolling, J. (2011). The effect of elections on the digitisation of political communication. A panel study looking for the role of political interest and cognitive mobilisation. Conference of the Political Communication Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association, October 20 to 21, Madrid.
- Porten-Cheé, P. (2010). Lessons learned from Obama? The effect of individual use of party websites on voting in the elections to the European Parliament 2009 in Germany. Internet, Politics, and Policy Conference, September 16 to 17, Oxford.
- Zeller, F., Wolling, J. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2010). Framing 0/1. Wie die Medien über die „Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft" berichten. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, May 12 to 14, Ilmenau.
- Porten-Cheé, P. (2010). Vernetztes Wählen? Zur Wirkung politischer Internetnutzung auf das Wählerverhalten am Beispiel der Europawahl 2009 in Deutschland. 6. Düsseldorfer Forum Politische Kommunikation, April 8 to 10, Düsseldorf.