Prof. Dr. Martin Emmer

Division Media Use Research
Institute for Media and Communication Studies
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Room 169
14195 Berlin
Office hours
If you intend to visit one of the consultation hours, please send your inquiries to Ms. Kuczera and state the reasons for your visit.
Consultation Hours during Winter Term 2024/ 25
Tuesdays, 04:00 - 06:00 p. m.
Please note that the consultation hour on February 4, 2025 will already take place from 02:00 to 03:30 p. m..Academic Stages
Since 09/2017 |
Principal Investigator (PI) of the Research Group 13 "Digital Citizenship" at the Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin |
09/2017 - 03/2019 |
Founding Director of the Weizenbaum Institute |
Since 08/2016 |
PI at Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) Berlin |
Since 10/2011 |
Professor of Journalism and Communication Studies with a Focus on Media Use at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at Freie Universität Berlin |
10/2010 - 02/2011 |
Visiting Professor "Communication and Media Studies III", Institute of Social Sciences, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf |
10/2009 - 09/2010 |
Visiting Professor "Research Methods / Applied Communication Research", Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universität Berlin |
04/2010 |
Guest Lecturer at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, master's program "Communication and Journalism |
Since 11/2008 |
Speaker of the DGPuK group „Computervermittelte Kommunikation“ (re-election 11/2010) |
12/2004 - 09/2011 |
Research Assistant in the Department "Empirical Media Research / Political Communication", Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute for Media and Communication Studies, occupied since 07/2006 with Prof. Dr. Jens Wolling |
07/2005 |
Dissertation Award of the Commerzbank Foundation |
09/2004 |
Promotion at the Ilmenau University of Technology about "Politische Mobilisierung durch das Internet?" marked summa cum laude. Reviewers: Prof. Gerhard Vowe, Prof. Winfried Schulz, Prof. Nicola Döring |
10/1997 - 11/2004 |
Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Gerhard Vowe, Division "Political Science / Media", Institute for Media and Communication Studies (IfMK), Ilmenau University of Technology |
Academic Studies
07/1997 |
Graduation (MA) with master's thesis on "Die Konstruktion krimineller Realität in der Tagespresse" supervised by Prof. Hans-Jürgen Weiß and Dr. Armin Scholl |
10/1993 - 07/1997 |
Studies in Journalism (majoring in "Empirical Communication Research" and "Communication Policy and Media Law"), Political Science and Psychology at Freie Universität Berlin |
10/1991 - 09/1993 |
Studies in Communication Science, Political Science and Psychology, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich |
Professional Experience
Memberships |
Amongst others member of the German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, DGPuK), the International Communication Association (ICA) and the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) |
Lectures |
Numerous lectures, panel lines, co-lectures in German and English at meetings and conferences; see Lecture List (Latest version in German) |
Member of the advisory board and reviewer in „Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft“, reviewer for "New Media & Society" as well as for meetings of the DGPuK, ICA, and other organizers |
Academic Self-government |
Member of several appeals commissions Organization of conferences and lectures at the TU Ilmenau (DGPuK group meetings in 1998, 2008, 2009, series "Media Event" in 1999, 2004, 2008) Elected representative of the scientific staff on various committees of the TU Ilmenau (2006 - 2008) Member of working groups on reform of the degree program (Diplomstudiengang) for AMW and conception of the bachelor and master degree programs Coordinator for the alumni activities of the program at the Technical University Ilmenau, AMW (2006 - 2009) |
Research Projects
since 02/ 2022 |
Project "Rethinking the Measuring of Mobile Media Use" (funded by DFG) |
since 09/2017 |
Founding Director of the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society as well as Principal Investigator of the Project "Digital Citizenship" (Research Group 13) |
10/ 2017 - 09/2020 |
Project "NOHATE - Overcoming Crises in Public Communication about Refugees, Migration, Foreigners" |
04 - 12/2016 |
Project "Flight 2.0: Digital Media Usage by Refugees" (funded by the Federal Foreign Office), in co-operation with Prof. Dr. Carola Richter, Freie Universität Berlin |
10/2015 - 03/2016 |
Interdisciplinary Project "Automated Measurement of Individual Use of Digital Media", in co-operation with Prof. Dr. Lutz Prechelt, Freie Universität Berlin |
01/2015 - 12/2017 |
Project "The Convergence of Television and Internet in Production and Usage" (funded by DFG), in co-operation with Prof. Dr. Joachim Trebbe, Freie Universität Berlin |
10/2012 - 09/2013 |
Sub-project "Web Debates on the Dangerousness of Salafists" (BaSiD Module on Media Monitoring of Security) |
06/2009 - 06/2010 |
Project „Strategisches Framing“ (funded by DFG) in co-operation with Prof. Dr. Jens Wolling |
06/2006 - 06/2009 |
Participation in conception, application and execution of a project about „Entwicklung der individuellen politischen Online-Kommunikation in Deutschland“ (funded by DFG) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Jens Wolling and Prof. Dr. Gerhard Vowe (Düsseldorf) |
01 - 03/2007 |
Implementing the project „Sponsoring-Evaluation Berlinale 2006“ for Volkswagen AG |
07 - 09/2004 |
Implementing a project for the Thuringia State Media Authority (TLM) „Offene Kanäle in Thüringen“ |
2002 - 2004 and 2004 - 2006 |
Participation in conception, application and implementation of two follow-up projects on „Politische Online- und Offline-Kommunikation in Deutschland“ under the direction of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Vowe |
12/2000 |
Construction of a telephone survey laboratory for social science research at the Ilmenau University of Technology |
06/2000 - 05/2001 |
Participation in conception, application and execution of the project „Politische Online-Kommunikation“ (funded by DFG) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Vowe (Vo 877/1-1) |
Seit 10/1997 |
Numerous educational research projects with students of Media Studies (survey and content analysis studies) in the context of research and practice seminars as well as media projects |
Publications in the Field of Online Communication and Media Innovations, Reception Research, Political Communication; See Publication List (in English language) or the latest version in German language Recent Publications:
Recent speeches in 2023/ 2024: