After Studying in Berlin
Transcript of Records
Transcripts of Records are not issued automatically at Freie Universität Berlin. Students who wish to obtain a Transcript of Records have to complete a form and contact the Erasmus Office via email:
Which documents are required to obtain a Transcript of Records?
Regardless of who issues the Transcript of Records, the following documents need to be provided:
This completed form.
If you are registered for some or all of your courses via the electronic Campus Management System: ECTS credits and grades will be entered into the system by the registrar’s office (Prüfungsbüro) at the end of each semester. For all courses visible in your Campus Management account, you should bring a print version of the section “Grades & points” ("Noten & Punkte") along when requesting your Transcript of Records.
For all other courses, certificates (“Teilnahme-/Leistungsschein”) are issued by the course instructor or the division’s office (“Sekretariat”) at the end of each semester. Please make sure to let your instructor know that you need a certificate in time. In case instructors do not prepare certificates, you may use this form (in German).
Please note that it may take a few weeks until the Transcript of Records is issued.
The Transcript of Records can be issued once the student’s grades are released i.e. all exams and assignments are graded and confirmed by the instructor. In case students or their home university need transcripts earlier, preliminary transcripts will be provided. The original Transcript of Records will be sent to the international office of the student’s home university, students receive a copy.
Withdrawal from the Register of Students (Exmatrikulation)
Shortly before you finish your studies at Freie Universität Berlin, you have to go through the "Exmatrikulation" process which is needed for a renewed registration at any German university and for the refund of the semester ticket. Please hand in the application form for exmatriculation (pdf-file), duly filled in, to the Student Services Center, Iltisstr. 1.