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Preparing your Learning Agreement

Learning Agreement for ERASMUS Students

The Learning Agreement comprises all study units and/or courses ERASMUS-students take at their host university. It is an agreement signed by the student and by both the home and host university, which should be provided to the host university before arrival. By signing the Learning Agreement, the home university confirms that the courses chosen in this individual plan of study correspond with the study regulations of the home university. Therefore the Learning Agreement ensures that all study units will be approved by the student’s home university after completing his/her ERASMUS period at Freie Universität Berlin. However, the Learning Agreement does not automatically enrol you in the respective courses. Ideally, the Learning Agreements should be submitted only after having enrolled in all the chosen courses after the beginning of the studies in October or April. As the choice of courses often changes after ERASMUS students arrive at their host university, you should rather not sign a Learning Agreement before arrival. If your home university, however, demands a Learning Agreement before, you can send it directly to the departmental co-ordinator. Please note that this Learning Agreement can only be preliminary and does not guarantee for the availability of courses chosen.

Course types and performance requirements at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies

All courses offered by Freie Universität Berlin are listed in the Lecture and Course Catalog. The specific courses offered at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies are listed and described in the Commented Course Catalog of the Institute (in German). In order to make it easier for you to choose courses and prepare your individual schedule, information on the different course types is provided. The Institute for Media and Communication Studies offers various types of courses such as V / Vorlesungen (lectures), S / Seminare (seminars), Ü / Übungen (exercise courses) and C / Colloquien (colloquia):

Vorlesungen (lectures) are prepared talks given by the professor or instructor in front of a relatively large group of students. In these classes there are no discussions but it is allowed to ask questions.

Performance Requirements: Regular attendance, usually a written examination at the end of the semester

Seminare (seminars) are classes for relatively small student groups in which questions about specific topics and areas are examined and discussed together with the instructors.
Proseminare (proseminar), Einführungsseminare (introduction classes) and Überblicksseminare (review classes) are basic level courses.
Seminare (seminars), Hauptseminare
(advanced seminars) and Vertiefungsseminare (follow-up seminars) are advanced level courses.
Übungen (exercise courses) introduce certain techniques or introduce research methods.

Performance Requirements: Regular attendance and active participation, independent study or group work, usually presentations plus written assignments (10-15 pages in basic level courses, 15-20 pages in advanced level courses)

Colloquia are courses for small groups of advanced students, i.e. to discuss final assignments or advanced research projects. They offer scholarly discussions on specific topics.

ECTS Points

ERASMUS and international students receive a Transcript of Records when completing their studies at Freie Universität Berlin. Grades and credit points are allocated according to the „European Credit Transfer System“ (ECTS):



Course attendance and participation in the Bachelor's program (without examination such as term paper)


Active participation and performance in a course in the Bachelor’s program (e.g. lecture including a written examination, seminar including a written assignment or exercise classes)


Completion of a study unit in the Bachelor’s program (normally 2 courses including examinations/assignments in one of them)


Course attendance and active participation (e.g. oral presentation) in the Master's program (without examination such as term paper)


Active participation and performance in a course in the Master’s program (e.g. advanced seminars including an advanced written assignment with 4500 words OR 6000 words or similar assignment)

7/ 10

Completion of a study unit in the Master’s program (including examinations/assignments)

10/ 15

ECTS Points & Study Units (Module)

Grading system

ECTS credits are translated into grades based on the following grading scale:

 Grades from Freie Universität Berlin

 ECTS Grade

 1.0 – 1.5

 excellent (A)

 1.6 – 2.0

 very good (B)

 2.1 – 3.0

 good (C)

 3.1 – 3.5

 satisfactory (D)

 3.6 – 4.0

 sufficient (E)

 4.1 – 5.0

 fail (F)
