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While Studying in Berlin

Course Registration and Campus Management System

It is generally necessary to register for study units and courses online through the Campus Management System within a specified registration period (usually, within the first two weeks of each semester). Pre-enrolled students receive their ZEDAT-Account (general IT-account at Freie Universität Berlin) during their personal enrolment at the International Student Mobility - Welcome Services at Freie Universität Berlin. The ZEDAT-Account is required to use the Campus Management System! Students who were not pre-enrolled will have to wait about 3 weeks for their ZEDAT-Account.

E-Learning: Blackboard

Blackboard is the central Learning Management System at Freie Universität Berlin. Blackboard allows you to access teaching materials (documents, presentations etc.) from your instructors, communicate with fellow students etc.


Various libraries belong to Freie Universität Berlin that offer wide access to resources. The University Library (Universitätsbibliothek/UB) is located in the Henry-Ford-building and collects relevant literature from all fields. Furthermore, departmental libraries (Fachbibliotheken) offer subject-specific literature all over campus. The library for social sciences is located in the Institute’s building and provides access to literature in the areas of media and communication studies, political science, sociology and ethnology as well as east-European studies. The Digital Library of Freie Universität Berlin provides access to all sorts of digital literature and media (journals, articles, books, databases).

Further Information
