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Orientation paper on biodiversity with involvement of Klaus Jacob for the upcoming coalition negotiations published

News from Oct 25, 2021

The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Germany recently published an orientation paper setting impulses for the evolvement of Germany's national biodiversity strategy and the adjustment of the bioviersity policy in the upcoming legislation period. The paper identifies the major action and implementation gaps, addresses challenges and develops recommendations. Therefore, it considers biodiversity conservation both related to specific ecosystems and as a cross-sectional policy task.

As a co-author in the first chapter Klaus Jacob discusses jointly with Dr. Yves Zinngrebe from the Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung in Leipzig the pivotal approaches for a strengthened biodiversity policy. The authors argue for biodiversity policy to be understood as a permanently ongoing cross-sectional policy field. Simultaneously, it is not to neglect that biodiversity protection involves conflicts of interests, requiring negotiations, but at times also a firmly positioning.

The paper was singed by about 300 scientists. The Spiegel reported on it.

The full paper can be accessed here.

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