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SynVer*Z published anthology "Real Laboratories for Urban Transformation" with contributions by Nicole Mitchell, Dr. Julia Teebken and Dr. Klaus Jacob

News from Sep 12, 2022

In recent years more than 50 research projects have been intensively researching the City of the Future across Germany. As part of a networking meeting organized by SynVer*Z, the idea arose together with the projects to compile field reports from real laboratory research. The focus is on reflecting on the design of the projects, the methods used in cooperation with individual groups of actors and in constellations of actors, the experiences in dealing with the Covid19 pandemic and the conclusions in relation to consolidation and transfer. 

The authors, including Nicole Mitchell, Dr. Julia Teebken and Dr. Klaus Jacob, provide in the anthology information on how to carry out real laboratories. As part of their practice-oriented research work, they often developed tools in the form of guidelines, work aids, fact sheets and toolboxes in order to provide other municipal actors with action-oriented work aids.   

The SynVer*Z anthology can soon also be ordered as a print version from the German Institute of Urban Affairs. 


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