Politics of Energiewende
The aim of the energy transformation (Energiewende) in Germany is the phasing out of nuclear energy by 2022, a substantial decarbonisation of energy supply by 2050 as well as a significant increase in energy productivity. It includes a reorganization of the energy supply in the areas of electricity, heat and transport and aligns their infrastructures. The transformation of the energy system is a complex social reform project, for which there is no master plan. Political decisions often must be made under uncertainty. Therefore, adequate and especially reflexive governance mechanisms are needed which allow for correction and adaptation of measures to new findings and challenges. Although all parties and most stakeholders in Germany share the objectives of the energy revolution, there is still no consensus on the way and the pace of implementation. Market mechanisms alone cannot bring the Energiewende about because market prices do not form the relevant economic costs of energy production. In addition, the energy transformation is hampered by the interests of powerful actors in the traditional energy systems which are challenged by new economic actors, citizens' initiatives and new value models of energy supply. The energy transition is to be implemented on several political and administrative levels, whose energy policies need to be integrated into an overall system. Therefore, the transformation process requires a long-term political control and coordination among actors and their interests, values and goals, between the levels of government in the federal system of Germany and between Germany and its European neighbors. The FFU is dedicated to the study of politics for the energy revolution, the relevant actor constellations and control challenges in a number of basic research-oriented and practice-oriented projects. |
The core concern of the GIZ program RE-ACTIVATE for the MENA region is to create favourableconditions to combine the goals of transforming the energy systems with a sustainable economic development that creates domestic employment effects. The research is intended to contribute to the creation of functioning renewable energy and energy efficiency markets and support employment in the region. (more)
The Indo-German Expert Group is an interdisciplinary working group of renowned experts from leading research institutions / political think tanks in India and Germany. It was set up in 2013 to enhance collaborative learning, contribute to informed decision-making in both countries and feed into the international debate on a green and inclusive economy.
since November 2013
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Über die personal- und arbeitspolitischen Besonderheiten in den Unternehmen der erneuerbaren Energiewirtschaft ist vergleichsweise wenig bekannt. In interdisziplinärer Kooperation zwischen dem Forschungszentrum für Umweltpolitik und dem Management-Department des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft (FU Berlin) zielt das von der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung geförderte Forschungsprojekt darauf ab, diese Lücke zu füllen, indem insbesondere die soziale Nachhaltigkeit in der Windenergiebranche in den Blick genommen wird.
Laufzeit: 01.02.2014 - 31.01.2016
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Im Rahmen der deutsch-ukrainischen Zusammenarbeit hat das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, einen Konsultationsprozess eingeleitet, in dessen Verlauf umsetzbare Projekte im nicht-nuklearen Bereich identifiziert und entwickelt werden.