Fellowship Awardees
Visnja Jovanovic is currently pursuing a joint Masters and law degree from Carleton University and the University of Ottawa in Canada. While on the EU-Canada Civil Society exchange in Berlin, Visnja is taking two classes - Protecting Human Rights under Democratic Regimes, and Security Sector Reform, and is also taking an intensive German language course. Visnja is greatly enjoying her summer at the Freie University and in Berlin, and has spent time biking and exploring the city and its many its beautiful parks. vjovano2[at]connect.carleton.ca |
Sophie Hashem is undertaking a Master’s in International Affairs with a specialization in the global political economy at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA) at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Sophie is currently completing one semester of her degree at FU-Berlin where she is studying US-EU comparative federalism and Humans rights in democratic regimes. Her study interests are issues related to Canada’s refugee policy and domestic, civil societal and international actors that influence policy formulation. shashem[at]connect.carleton.ca
Vera Martynkiw graduate student in international affairs research interests: food security, rural development, alternatives to industrial agriculture course work in Berlin: 1. Acting Green? EU environmental policy 2. Rollenspiel Klimapolitik 3. Bollywood dance - just for fun. Aside from coursework, she is currently doing an internship at gen-ethisches-netzwerk and plans to do some organic farming at Marienhoehe farm in the fall.In January she will be finishing her masters in India, where she will study agricultural economics. jazzpianolady[at]gmail.com |
Kasia Polanska is a MA student in the School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University. She is originally from Poland and, therefore, was thrilled to spend the summer in the heart of Europe. Kasia is interested in social innovation and upon her return, she will work with of group of Ottawa non-profits involved in a co-location initiative. kpolansk[at]connect.carleton.ca |
Johannes Alexeew (former student / Environmental Policy Research Centre, FFU) was a student of the interdisciplinary master’s program Public and Private Environmental Management at FFU Berlin and was participating in the EU-Canada Civil Society Educational Network from January - May 2010. In his exchange semester he was participating in two seminars focusing on civil society organization. The seminar "Civil Society Organizations & Development" held by Barbara Levine was dealing with the development of the civil society sector and the influence of civil society organizations on global development. The second seminar, "Financing the Third Sector", led by Ted Jackson, provided an introduction to the broad spectrum of funding mechanisms applicable to civil society organizations. Johannes highly benefited from his exchange semester. He was learning a lot about the civil society sector and was inspired by the seminars to continue his studies in this research sector. Additionally Johannes was overwhelmed with the kind support of the coordinators of the program. johannes.alexeew[at]gmail.com |
Katharina Hinse is a student of the Master’s program in Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin. During her EU-Canada Civil Society Exchange at Carleton University Ottawa, she is taking classes in environmental policy as well as non-profit and voluntary sector governance and management. In addition, Katharina will do an internship at a non-profit in Ottawa to deepen her understanding of the third sector in Canada. She wishes to use the manifold experiences made at Carleton University for completing her Master’s thesis when back in Berlin in the fall. katharina.hinse[at]hotmail.de |
Simone Peuleke is a Master’s student in the program “Public and Private Environmental Management” at the Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) in Berlin. For her EU-Canada Civil Society exchange she went to Manitoba and volunteered with the non-profit-organisation “Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources” (CIER), which offers training, education and consulting services to First Nations. At CIER, her work focused on a carbon credit project that teaches First Nations about this instrument as a means of sustainable development for “their” land. She also participated in a “Forestry Skills Camp” class offered through the University of Winnipeg in collaboration with the University of the North, The Pas. The experiences offered her useful insights on the situation of First Nations people in Canadian society and their land use practices. She enjoyed meeting new Canadian friends and making connections for future research projects. s.peuleke[at]googlemail.com |
Andrew Ross is pursuing a Master’s degree at the Institute ofEuropean and Russian Studies, Carleton University. During hisEU-Canada Civil Society exchange program, Andrew studiedComparative Social Movements, EU/US Federalism, and Politics ofClimate Change. He enjoyed exploring the diverse atmosphere ofBerlin and has gained new focus in his current research. He looksforward to further exploring the role of Civil Society in EU policydevelopment.
Christopher van den Hövel was student, of Political Science, from Free University Berlin. From May till August 2010, Christopher was at Carleton University in Ottawa (Canada). During his stay he attended classes in the School of Public Policy about Environmental Politics as well as Civil Society. The Highlight of his stay was an internship at the Catholic Immigration Center (CIC) and the participation in the week-long executive training style course, “Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Governance & Management,” offered by the Center for Voluntary Sector Research and Development.
ch.van.den.hoevel[at]gmx.de |
Kensuke Nishimura studied economics for his bachelor, concentrating on environmental economics and environmental management systems. He attended the master's for public and private environmental management at the FFU, focusing on corporate social responsibility. Thanks to the EU Canada exchange program he got a chance to study at the Centre for Voluntary Sector Research and Development of Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada where he took two courses, Environmental Policy in Canada and Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Governance and Management. While in Canada, he looked at Canadian civil society and its impacts on renewable energy development in Ontario. Kensuke also joined some charity events and citizen initiatives to learn more about Canadian civil society and how it functions. A highlight was when his soccer team won the tournament at a charity day for migrants in Ottawa. Kensuke appreciates the friendliness of the Canadians he met while there. Kensuke's research interest focus on local environmental policy, policy for small and medium enterprises, and voluntary approaches and agreements. kensuke.nishimura[at]hotmail.com
Arne Janssen is a student of the Master’s program in Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin. His research is focused on environmental politics, climate change and Adaptation. During his stay at Carleton University Ottawa, he is taking classes in international conflict analysis and international engagement in fragile states at the Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs. He also tries to deepen his knowledge on the science, politics and economics of climate change in a class led by Professor Glen Toner at the School of Public Policy & Administration. Currently, he enjoys the good opportunities to discover the city and surroundings during Indian summer. arne-janssen[at]web.de
Linda Krampe is currently undertaking the Master’s program “Public and Private Environmental Management” at the Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) in Berlin. In the frame of the EU-Canada Civil Society exchange, Linda is taking two classes at the University of Winnipeg: “Environmental Economics” and “Winnipeg & the Environment – a case study”. The latter has a special focus on new approaches to civic government which will hopefully broaden her knowledge of the role Civil Society plays in Canada. Besides, Judith Harris, Faculty Advisor of the Urban and Inner-City Studies, is allowing Linda insights into the work of the Urban Circle Training Centre, a non-profit, community-based educational institution with the aim of providing Aboriginal People with job-market related skills. lindakrampe[at]gmx.de
Alex Anderson is a PhD student in philosophy at McGill University, Montreal. My main areas of interest are in the history of philosophy and in social and political philosophy, and I intend to write my dissertation on the seventeenth century Dutch philosopher Benedict de Spinoza. I am also a political and social activist with involvement in a wide range of civil society and trade union organizations. During my stay in Berlin, I primarily attended courses on the history of philosophy and of political thought, mostly at the Humboldt Universität. The program was an excellent opportunity for me to forge new academic and civil society connections, attend major academic conferences, improve my German, and enjoy the wonders of summer in Berlin. alexander.anderson2[at]mail.mcgill.ca |
Monica Tang is pursuing a Masters in Arts in Public Administration (M.A.PA) at Carleton University in Ottawa. Monica completed a semester of her degree at the FU-Berlin, doing course work in comparative environmental federalism, global climate change politics, and EU economic and environmental policy. A highlight of her semester here was presenting a policy paper with her classmates on improving compliance with environmental law in the European Union and meeting with Civil Society Organizations during a course field trip to Brussels, Belgium. Monica is currently writing her Masters Essay on the implementation of Green Growth in the European Union with a focus on energy policy. monicatang9[at]zedat.fu-berlin.de |
Alisa Niakhai is pursuing a Masters degree in Public Administration at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. During her studies at Freie Universität, Alisa did coursework in digital governance, comparative social policy and social movements. The program was an excellent opportunity to explore the role of information and communication technologies in governance processes and organization of collective action in global politics. Under the supervision of K. Klinkforth, Alisa conducted research on the effectiveness of Web 2.0 initiatives, applied in government setting, in fostering higher levels of citizens’ engagement in the process of domestic governance. She enjoyed wandering around Berlin and exploring the city’s vibrant art scene. Alisa is currently working as a program analyst for an international development agency. alisa.niakhai[at]gmail.com |
Cosmina Radu has finished a BA in Political Science at the Freie Universität Berlin. During her last year of studies she spent a semester at McGill University.Her research at the Freie Universität centered on the civil society sector and democracy processes in South-East Europe, with a special focus on EU's 'soft-power' approach to restoring peace in conflict regions in Europe and around the world. As she already holds a M.A. degree in Public Relations and Communication Studies from the University of Bucharest, her research semester at McGill focused on these two main fields of interest. Therefore, she attended classes on Media and Politics, and International Relations of Ethnic Conflict. The EU Fellowship to McGill University provided the perfect framework for her research on the civil society sector and proved to be a unique personal experience in a bilingual vibrant city.
cosminaradu [at] hotmail.com |
Konrad Gürtler is a BA student of Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin. During spring and summer he is participating in the exchange of the EU Canada Civil Society Educational Programme. At the University of Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada, Konrad is taking courses in Conflict Resolution and International Development Studies. Thereby he focuses in particular on Aboriginal issues. Winnipeg provides great opportunities to learn more about Indigenous Peoples and their role in Canadian civil society. Besides his studies, Konrad appreciates the open-minded and friendly attitude of the Canadians and he enjoys travelling and discovering the incredible nature of Canada.
konrad.guertler [at] fu-berlin.de |
Jens Korsten is a student of the Master’s program in Political Science at Freie University of Berlin. During his stay at Carleton University in Ottawa he is taking a class on the Regulation of Financial Institutions. He is also attending a course on “Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Management and Government”. Through his internship at the organization “Operation Coming Home” he is able to enhance his newly gained theoretical knowledge with practical experience. His main research focus deals with the reasons for Canada’s withdrawal from the Kyoto-Protocol in 2011. Living in Canada’s capital gives him the opportunity to collect appropriate data and, thereby, deepen his understanding of the country’s environmental policy. Currently Jens enjoys the hot summer as well as being able to cool down by playing pick-up hockey at the ice rink.
jenskorsten [at] gmx.de |
Marion Ille-Roussel is an undergraduate student of Political Science at the free University in Berlin. During her stay at University of Winnipeg for the spring and summer turm, she is taking class in Conflict Resolution and International Development Studies. These courses give her the possibility to learn more about the Issues of Indigenious Right and the different roles Civil Society plays on the national level or canadian level on these issues. She enjoys discovering the Aboriginal Cultures through her meetings, travels, classes and reading in Winnipeg and across Canada.
ille-roussel.marion [at] fu-berlin.de |
Lena Bendlin visited the School of Public Policy and Administration (SPPA) at Carleton University in June/July 2012 within the faculty exchange framework as a research associate at the Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU). During her stay in Ottawa, she presented her dissertation project on European local climate policy to faculty and researchers at SPPA and at the Centre for European Studies (CES). She also gave a guest lecture, discussed potential research collaboration and investigated the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program in order to draw lessons for the more recent EU-initiated network Covenant of Mayors (CoM).
lena.bendlin [at] fu-berlin.de |
Kayla Meyer Kathryn Davies Rebecca Rappeport Tyler Blashko Anika Terton Katharina Anna Hinse Ben Simcoe Ella MurphyZomerschoe Michelle Guevara Adrian Del Baso Samuel Martinet Julia Sherman Katrina Sark Jasmine Maggori Katharina Klein Isabelle Nagel |