The results of the research work of the projects and the team at the Center for International Relations are published by various German and international publishers. Here you will find an overview of recent publications.
Detailed information can be found on the respective team pages.
- Stephanie C. Hofmann, Yuqian Cai, Laura Gómez-Mera, Tamar Gutner, Matias Margulis, Diana Panke, Berthold Rittberger, Sören Stapel, Matthew Stephen, Moritz Weiss (forthcoming): Introducing organizational (dis)entanglements: making sense of how scholarship on regime complexity and power rivalries dynamics contribute to international order-making. International Studies Review.
- Diana Panke, Lukas Grundsfeld, Pawel Tverskoi (2025): Exit from Regime Complexity? Regional International Organizations Under Scrutiny. Global Studies Quarterly, 5(1), ksae078.
- Diana Panke, Lukas Grundsfeld, Pawel Tverskoi (forthcoming): Between Crisis and Revival: Withdrawal Threats, State Exits, and Institutional Change of Regional International Organizations, Politische Vierteljahresschrift.
- Stephanie Geise, Axel Heck, Diana Panke (2024): From News Images to Action: The Mobilizing Effect of Emotional Protest Images in News Coverage, Frontiers in Political Science Vol. 6.
- Diana Panke, Gordon Friedrichs (eds.) (2024) International Organizations Amid Global Crises. Analysing Role Selection and Impact through Role Theory. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Diana Panke, Gordon Friedrichs (2024): Bridging the Gap between Role Theory and Comparative International Organization Research. In: Diana Panke, Gordon Friedrichs (eds.) International Organizations Amid Global Crises. Analyzing Role Selection and Impact Through Role Theory. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 1-28
- Diana Panke, Gordon Friedrichs (2024): International Organizations’ Roles in the Wake of Global Crises: Patterns, Drivers and Effects. In: Diana Panke, Gordon Friedrichs (eds.) International Organizations Amid Global Crises. Analyzing Role Selection and Impact Through Role Theory. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 205-221.
- Diana Panke, Sören Stapel (2024): Cooperation between International Organizations. Demands, Supply and Restraint. Review of International Organizations, 19(2): 269-305.
- Diana Panke, Lukas Grundsfeld (2024): Epilogue—Responses to Brexit: insights from small EU member states and lessons for exits from other regional organizations. In: Laura C. Ferreira-Pereira (ed.) Small States of the European Union and Brexit. Abingdon: Routledge, 107-111.
- Diana Panke, Sören Stapel (2024): Multi-level governance. In: Philippe de Lombaerde (ed.) Handbook of Regional Cooperation and Integration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 417-430.
- Sören Stapel, Diana Panke, Frederik Söderbaum (2023): Regional International Organizations in Africa as Recipients of Foreign Aid: Why Are Some More Attractive to Donors than Others? Cooperation and Conflict, 58(4): 521-544.
- Axel Heck, Stephanie Geise, Diana Panke (2023): Shiny Happy People Laughing. The Protest Paradigm, WUNC and the Visual Framing of Political Activism. Visual Communication Quarterly, 30(2): 90-105.
- Tainá Siman (2023): Non-democracy tolerance: Venezuela in Mercosur and Hungary in the EuropeanUnion. Region and Cohesion, 13(2): 105-118.
- Diana Panke, Sören Stapel (2023) Towards Increasing Regime Complexity? Why Member States Drive Overlaps between International Organizations. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 25(4): 633-654.
- Fredrik Söderbaum, Sören Stapel (2023): Sweden. In: Cedric de Coning, Angela Muvumba Sellström (Hg.) A Shared Commitment: African-Nordic Peace and Security Cooperation. Oslo und Uppsala: Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI) und Nordiska Afrikainstitutet (NAI), 56-66.
- Diana Panke, Sören Stapel (2023): Overlapping regionalism around the world: Introducing the overlapping regionalism dataset . International Area Studies Review, 26(4): 449-463.
- Diana Panke, Gordon Friedrichs (2023): Regime Complexity as an Asset? The Negotiations of the Arms Trade Treaty. Journal of Global Security Studies, 8(1): ogac039.
- Sören Stapel, Fredrik Söderbaum (2023): European foreign aid to regional organisations in Africa: bullies, overseers, micromanagers and samaritans. Third World Quarterly, 44(8): 1699-1717.
- Diana Panke, Sören Stapel (2023): North America in Comparative Perspective: Regional Cooperation Dynamics in the Western Hemisphere and the World". In: Eric Hershberg, Tom Long (Hg.) North American Regionalism: Stagnation, Decline, or Renewal? Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 191-210.
- Mathis Lohaus, Sören Stapel (2023): Who commits to regional human rights treaties? Reputational benefits, sovereignty costs, and regional dynamics. Journal of Human Rights, 22(3): 386-405.
- Diana Panke, Baldur Thorhallsson (2023): Foreign Policy of Small States. In: Juliet Kaarbo, Cameron G. Thies (Hg.): The Oxford Handbook of Foreign Policy Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 501-518.
- Fredrik Söderbaum, Sören Stapel, Sally Wennergren (2023): 'Something to everyone': Ownership as a moving target in Swedish and British regional foreign aid to Africa. Development Policy Review, 41(4): e12684.
- Diana Panke, Sören Stapel (2023): Navigating Regional Regime Complexity: How and why does the European cooperate with regional organizations?. Politics & Governance, 11(2): 97-108.
- Fredrik Söderbaum, Sören Stapel (2023): A Manifesto for Regionalism in Africa, UNU-CRIS Connecting Ideas.
- Frank Mattheis, Tainá Siman (2023): Maritime Regional Security Governance in the Atlantic: Antagonisms, Overlaps and Cooperation. IDN Nação e Defesa, 164: 9-22
- Sören Stapel (2022) Regional Organizations and Democracy, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law: The African Union, Organization of Americas States, and the Diffusion of Institutions. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Diana Panke, Gurur Polat, Franziska Hohlstein (2022): Diplomatic Deliberative Practices in International Organizations. Does Institutional Design Matter?. Diplomacy and Statecraft, 33(4): 824-852.
- Diana Panke, Sören Stapel (2022) Architects of Regional Regime Complexity: States and Regional Organizations in Europe. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 30(3): 387-404.
- Diana Panke, Franziska Hohlstein, Gurur Polat (2022): Why International Organizations Differ in their Output Productivity. A Comparative Study. International Studies Perspectives, 23(4): 398-424.
- Fredrik Söderbaum, Sören Stapel (2023): Externe Akteure und Sicherheitsregionalismus in Afrika: Ein neuer Datensatz zur externen Finanzierung. In: Johannes Muntschick (Hg.) Regionalismus in Afrika und externe Partner: Ungleiche Beziehungen und (un)beabsichtigte Effekte. Cham: Springer VS, 69-91
- Fredrik Söderbaum, Sören Stapel (2022) Regionalism in Africa. In: Jürgen Rüland, Astrid Carrapatoso (eds.) Handbook on Global Governance and Regionalism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 218-229.
- Diana Panke, Gurur Polat, Franziska Hohlstein (2022): Who Performs Better? A Comparative Analysis of Problem-solving Effectiveness and Legitimacy Attributions to International Organizations. Cooperation and Conflict, 57(4): 433-456.
- Fredrik Söderbaum, Sören Stapel (2022) External Actors and Security Regionalism in Africa: A New Dataset on External Funding. In: Johannes Muntschick (Hg.) New Regionalism and External Partnerships in the Global South. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 61-80.
- Fredrik Söderbaum, Sören Stapel (2022): Regional Organisations and Africa's Development Challenges. UNU-CRIS Policy Brief 06-2022.
- Diana Panke, Jürgen Rüland (2022): Why Asian States Cooperate in Regional Arrangements. Asian Regionalism in Comparative Perspective. International Relations, 36(3): 428-453.
- Fredrik Söderbaum, Sören Stapel (2022): Agenda 2063 and the role of Africa's overlapping regional organisations. Maastricht: ECDPM Discussion Paper No. 317.