Pawel Tverskoi

Freie Universität Berlin
Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science
Center for International Relations
Pawel Tverskoi has joined the Center of International Relations as a research associate in May 2024. He has been part of the DFG-funded project “Should I Stay or Should I Go? State Exits from Regional Organizations” (Prof. Dr. Diana Panke) since February 2023.
Previously, he has worked as project staff for an international organization focusing on rule of law promotion, as an analyst with security consultancies, and as a research associate for a conflict analysis journal.
Pawel Tverskoi studied International Relations at the University of Malta and Politics and Public Administration with a specialisation in International Administration and Conflict Management at the University of Konstanz.
Research interests
- International and regional organisations
- International relations
- Security and conflict studies
- Foreign policy analysis
- Foreign and security policy of small states
- External interventions in civil wars
Articles (with peer review)
- Diana Panke, Lukas Grundsfeld, Pawel Tverskoi (2025): Exit from Regime Complexity? Regional International Organizations Under Scrutiny. Global Studies Quarterly, 5(1), ksae078.
Diana Panke, Lukas Grundsfeld, Pawel Tverskoi (forthcoming) Between Crisis and Revival: Withdrawal Threats, State Exits, and Institutional Change of Regional International Organizations, Politische Vierteljahresschrift.
Conference papers
- Pawel Tverskoi (2024): Watch, Learn, and Influence? Examining the Role of Observers in International Organizations, Papier vorgestellt auf der Jahrestagung der International Studies Association, April 2024, San Francisco
- Diana Panke, Lukas Grundsfeld und Pawel Tverskoi (2024): Resilience or Decline? Contestations of Community Norms in Regional International Organizations, Papier vorgestellt auf der Jahrestagung der International Studies Association, April 2024, San Francisco
- Pawel Tverskoi (2024): Observers in International Organisations: Causes, Driving Forces and Motivations, Papier vorgestellt auf der Early Career Tagung Internationale Beziehungen der DVPW, März 2024, Tutzing
- Diana Panke, Lukas Grundsfeld und Pawel Tverskoi (2023): After the Pink Tide Ended: How Right-Wing Governments Challenge Left-Leaning Regional International Organizations in Latin America, Papier vorgestellt beim Kick-Off Workshop des ERC-Projekts ‘The Far Right and International Organizations’, November 2023, Frankfurt a.M.
- Pawel Tverskoi (2023): Observers in (Regional) International Organisations: Architects of Inter-Organisational Cooperation?, Papier vorgestellt auf der Jahrestagung der Themengruppe Internationale Organisation der DVPW, November 2023, Jena
- Diana Panke, Lukas Grundsfeld und Pawel Tverskoi (2023): 'Tomorrow I’ll Be Gone': Exit Threats as Contestations of Regional Organizations, Papier vorgestellt auf der 16. Pan-European Conference on International Relations der EISA, September 2023, Potsdam
- Diana Panke, Lukas Grundsfeld und Pawel Tverskoi (2023): Beitrag zum Roundtable: Contestation in Prism: Patterns of Norm Evolution, Consolidation, and Decay, bei der 16. Pan-European Conference on International Relations der EISA, September 2023, Potsdam
- Diana Panke, Lukas Grundsfeld und Pawel Tverskoi (2023) Time to Leave! Studying State Exits from Regional International Organizations, paper presented at the Offenen Sektionstagung Internationale Beziehungen der DVWP, Juni 2023, Friedrichshafen
- Diana Panke, Lukas Grundsfeld und Pawel Tverskoi (2023): Between Crisis and Revival: The Effects of State Exits on Regional Organizations, Papier vorgestellt auf der Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Europa- und Regionalismusforschung der DVPW, Mai 2023, Saarbrücken
- Diana Panke, Lukas Grundsfeld und Pawel Tverskoi (2023): Ending Cooperation: A Comparative Analysis of State Exits from Regional International Organizations, Papier vorgestellt auf der Jahrestagung der International Studies Association, März 2023, Montreal