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Sustainable Development Reflexive Inputs to World Organisation

Principal Investigator:

European Commission

Oct 01, 2009 — Jun 30, 2013



The objective of the project is to provide the EU with conceptual tools and applicable ideas to make sustainable development an operational paradigm framing EU policy mak-ing in the globalization process. Broadening the utilitarian, state-centred, and market fail-ure approach often mobilised in globalisation analysis, we develop a reflexive framework within which time and irreversibility, institutional path-dependency and multiple actors, with heterogeneous knowledge, beliefs, preferences, technology and power, interfere in the process of policy making. In this procedural approach, the policy making process it-self will be scrutinised and integrated as a key determinant of the policy outcome. Within this renewed framework, globalization core challenges will be intersected with sustain-able development conceptual challenges, which will be tackled specifically before nurtur-ing back EU policy-making in the globalization process.