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Dr. Agnes Blome

Image Credit: Portraitfoto Dr. Agnes Blome (David Ausserhofer)

Associated Senior Research Fellow

Ihnestraße 22
Room 121a
14195 Berlin
Room 114 - Ines Stavrinakis
Ines Stravrinakis

Office hours

Office hours are held on mondays 2 - 3 p.m., starting on April 12, 2021.

Please sign up via https://calendly.com/ablome_sprechstunde/15min. If you want to discuss a thesis or seminar paper or other form of coursework, please send a prospectus to agnes.blome@fu-berlin.de at least three days in advance. Further information concerning the technical implementation will be provided after your online signup. Thank you. 

  • Since October 2017 research associate in the Centre for Comparative Politics and Policy of Germany and France at the Otto-Suhr Institute
  • October 2014 to December 2014 visiting researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Social Policy
  • July 2012 to September 2014 Postdoc at the Berlin Social Science Centre (WZB) in the research units "Inequality and social policy" and "Demography and Inequality"
  • December 2012 awarded PhD
  • August 2008 to June 2012 doctoral candidate at the Berlin Social Science Centre (WZB) in the research professorship „Demographic Development, Social Change, and Social Capital“ and in the project group of the president, Dissertation „Why (not) now? The Politics of Work-care Policies in Germany and Italy“
  • December 2004 to July 2008 research associate in the project "Generational Relations and the Welfare State" at the Berlin Social Science Centre (WZB)
  • 2004 intern and subsequently research associate at Rambøll Management GmbH, Hamburg
  • 1997-2003 studied Political Science and Sociology at the Universities of Marburg, Hamburg and Siena.



Wahlsysteme im Vergleich: Typologien, Ursachen und Auswirkungen







(GEND) Frauen in der Politik. Repräsentation, Partizipation und Politikinhalte







Care Politics im sozialinvestiven Wohlfahrtsstaat







Einführung in die Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft





Research interests

  • Comparative politics of the welfare state
  • Comparative analysis of political systems
  • Political representation of women and gender inequality
  • Integration of qualitative and quantitative methods
  • Attitudes, norms and public opinion
  • Political parties

Recent publications (selected) 

The Politics of Work-Family Policy Reforms in Germany and Italy 

Blome, Agnes (2016): The Politics of Work-Family Policy Reforms in Germany and Italy. Florence: Taylor and Francis (Routledge Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State). Available online at http://gbv.eblib.com/patron/FullRecord.aspx?p=4748557

Publications (*peer review)



Blome, Agnes. The Politics of Work-family Policies in Germany and Italy. Abingdon/New York: Routledge.


Blome, Agnes, Wolfgang Keck and Jens Alber. Family and the Welfare State in Europe: Inter-Generational Relations in Ageing Societies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.


Blome, Agnes, Wolfgang Keck and Jens Alber. Generationenbeziehungen im Wohlfahrtsstaat. Lebensbedingungen und Einstellungen von Altersgruppen im internationalen Vergleich. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.

Edited volumes


Blome, Agnes and Heike Kahlert. Politiken der Generativität und Reproduktive Rechte. Femina Politica 29/2.


Abels, Gabriele, Petra Ahrens and Agnes Blome.100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht – Und wo bleibt die Gleichheit? Femina Politica 27/2.


Blome, Agnes, Antonia Kupfer and Anneli Rüling. Die Bildung der Geschlechter: Einfluss von Strukturen und aktuellen Reformen im Bildungswesen. Femina Politica 20/2.

Journal Articles


West, Anne, Agnes Blome and Jane Lewis. “What characteristics of funding, provision and regulation are associated with effective social investment in ECEC in England, France and Germany?”, Journal of Social Policy, 49(4), pp. 681-704. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0047279419000631


Blome, Agnes, Anouk Lloren and Jan Rosset. “The politicization of abortion, voters’ stereotypes, and the electoral success of women candidates”, Parliamentary Affairs, 73(1), pp. 211-232. https://doi.org/10.1093/pa/gsy044


Brady, David, Agnes Blome and Julie Kmec. “Work-family reconciliation policies and women’s and mothers’ labour market outcomes in rich democracies”, Socio-Economic Review, 18(1), pp 125-161. https://doi.org/10.1093/ser/mwy045


Abels, Gabriele, Petra Ahrens and Agnes Blome. „100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht - der unvollendete Weg zu geschlechtergerechter Repräsentation. Eine Einleitung“, Femina Politica – Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft 2-2018 „100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht – Und wo bleibt die Gleichheit?“, pp. 9-25.


Abels, Gabriele, Petra Ahrens and Blome, Agnes. „Geschlechtergerechte Repräsentation in historischer und internationaler Perspektive“, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 42-2018 „Frauenwahlrecht“, Oktober 2018, pp. 28-36.


Blome, Agnes. „Von Kinder, Küche, Kirche zu Kinder, Karriere, KiTa? Geschlechterrollen, Familienpolitik und Religion im Wandel der Zeit“, Sozialer Fortschritt 67, special issue „Ökonomisierung und Konfession. Was bleibt?“, edited by Josef Hien and Wolfgang Schroeder, pp. 453-475.


Blome, Agnes and Gesine Fuchs. “Macht und substantielle Repräsentation von Frauen”, Femina Politica 1/2017, pp. 55-69.


Blome, Agnes. “Normative Beliefs, Party Competition, and Work-Family Policy Reforms in Germany and Italy”, Comparative Politics 48(4), pp. 479-496.


Blome, Agnes. „Neuere familienpolitische Leistungen. Bilanz nach zehn Jahren". Neue Zeitschrift für Familienrecht 2 (23), special issue "Gesellschaftspolitische Grundentscheidungen mit Blick auf die Familie", edited by Jutta Allmendinger et al, pp. 1081-1085.


Blome, Agnes. „Politischer Wettbewerb und rapide Wechsel in der Familienpolitik“. Zeitschrift für Politik, special issue 6 „Rapide Politikwechsel in der Bundesrepublik. Gründe, Akteure, Dynamiken und Probleme“, edited by Friedbert W. Rüb, pp. 153-180.


Blome, Agnes, Antonia Kupfer and Anneli Rüling. “Die Bildung der Geschlechter – Einleitung“. Femina Politica 2/2011 „Die Bildung der Geschlechter: Einfluss von Strukturen und aktuellen Reformen im Bildungswesen“, edited by Blome, Agnes, Antonia Kupfer and Anneli Rüling, pp. 9-20.



Blome, Agnes (2021) "Welfare State Recalibration in France and Germany: What Role Do Polarization and Inequalities in People's Attitudes Toward Social Policies Play?" in Pettinicchio, David (Ed.) The Politics of Inequality (Research in Political Sociology, Vol. 28), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 47-66.


Hartlapp, Miriam and Agnes Blome. “Women’s Positional Leadership in the European Commission: When, Where, and How?”, Women and Leadership in the European Union, edited by Henriette Müller and Ingeborg Tömmel, Oxford University Press.


Blome, Agnes. „Aktuelle familienpolitische Konstellationen im Feld der frühen Bildung“. Teilhabe durch frühe Bildung. Strategien in Familienbildung und Kindertageseinrichtungen, edited by Julia Lepperhoff and Lena Correll. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, pp. 35-47.


“Maternal employment, attitudes toward gender equality and family policies. German-Italian Discrepancies?” Responses of European Economic Cultures to Europe’s Crisis Politics: The Example of German-Italian Discrepancies, edited by Josef Hien and Christian Joerges. Robert-Schumann-Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute, Florence, pp. 129-139.


Brady, David, Agnes Blome, and Hanna Kleider. “How Politics and Institutions Shape Poverty and Inequality”. Oxford Handbook of Poverty and Society, edited by David Brady and Linda Burton. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 117-140.


Blome, Agnes, Stephan Manning and Kai-Uwe Mueller. “Private Bindungen und berufliche Perspektiven: Heiratsverhalten und Arbeitsmarktpartizipation von Frauen in Deutschland“. Geschenkt wird einer nichts - oder doch?, edited byRenate Ortlieb and Barbara Sieben. München: Rainer Hampp Verlag, pp 141-148.


Blome, Agnes and Wolfgang Keck. “Is There a Generational Cleavage in Europe? Age-specific Perceptions of Elderly Care and of the Pension System”. Handbook of Quality of Life in the Enlarged European Union, edited by Jens Alber, Tony Fahey and Chiara Saraceno. London: Routledge, pp. 73-99.

Working Papers and Short Pieces


Book review “Wohlfahrtsstaatliche Strukturen und Parteieneffekte. Eine vergleichende Analyse sozialpolitischer Konfliktmuster in Großbritannien, Schweden und Deutschland”, German Politics, 26(3), pp. 440–441.


"Das Werden einer Wende. Einstellungen, Parteienwettbewerb und Familienpolitik im Wandel (1990-2008)". WZB-Mitteilungen No. 143, pp. 6-9.


Work/care Policies in European Welfare States: Continuing Variety or Change Towards a Common Model? WZB Discussion Paper SP I 2011-401, Berlin: WZB.


Blome, Agnes and Wolfgang Keck. “Mehr Staat, weniger Mama. Erwerbstätigkeit von Müttern mit Kleinkindern im Ländervergleich”. WZB-Mitteilungen No. 116


Blome, Agnes, Wolfgang Keck and Chiara Saraceno. “Intergenerational Relations. Between Public and Private Patterns of Solidarity and Exchange. State of the Art Report”. Berlin. Economic Change, Quality of Life and Social Cohesion (EQUALSOC).