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The closing conference of the DAAD funded project „Challenges and Transformations in the Wake of the Arab Spring: Change and Persistence“ addresses the current political and social transformations in the Arab World and their implications for higher education and social sciences in the region. The conference brings together researchers from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Libya and Germany from different disciplinary backgrounds (political sciences, economy, sociology, law). [read more]
Arab Revolutions and Beyond: Change and PersistenceThe conference on “Arab Revolutions and Beyond: Change and Persistence”, 12-13 November 2013 in Tunis was milestone of the project. It was geared towards bringing together academics of different career levels and with different institutional background, who share an interest in the analysis of the current situation of the Arab World. Hosted by the Tunisian project partner Prof. M. Kerrou, it provided all participants with a multitude of opportunities to engage in thorough academic research and intellectual debate. More than 40 participants from the Arab World and Germany discussed the spectres of the ongoing transformation in the region and beyond. The conference proceedings were published after a peer-review process and extensive editing and are accessible online and in print thus contributing to the visibility of all researchers involved. Not the least, the book can feed back into teaching well after the project is finished. It can be accessed here. [read more]