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Curriculum Development Workshop Amman 2013

The Curriculum Workshop in Amman built on the outcomes of the first Workshop in Cairo. It mainly focused on the further improvement of the course at Cairo University and development of a course for German Jordanian University.

Amman - Gruppenfoto

Amman - Gruppenfoto

The course on “Community Development” was offered to interested students of German Jordanian University as a one-day workshop, on December 6, 2014 at the Othman Bdeir campus in Amman. The pilot course provided students with fundamental skills for analyzing the concept of community and conceptualizing possible approaches towards the sustainable community development.


• presentation and discussion of a revised curriculum for the course of the Euro Med Program at Cairo University with special emphasis on the aim to remain flexible in order to integrate current developments and events within the next years;

• presentation of the draft syllabus of a new course on “Introduction to Community Development” on the part of German Jordanian University;

• debate of the political conditions of Higher Education in Jordan;

• joint teaching event with students’ presentations and brief presentations by instructors on local politics and poverty;

• public presentation of the project and the special measures that are planned at GJU in order to increase the visibility of the project;

• update on the DAAD network meeting of transformation partnership projects;

• discussion of the outline for the 2014 proposal;

• preparation of the upcoming Cairo conference including conference proceedings and the final selection of papers.


The overall projects aim to link teaching and research was advanced a big step during the workshop. The classroom experience at GJU was used to specify the didactical debates, which were included in the curriculum of the course. In addition, the public presentation of the project was attended by around 50 guests from GJU as well as from other Jordanian universities and research institutes and facilitated a productive debate of the project and possibilities of meaningful cooperation between Germany and Jordan. The meeting furthermore constituted a very important opportunity to intensively work on organizational and content issues regarding the further course of the project.
