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Prof. Dr. Cilja Harders

Cilja Harders is Professor for Political Science and Director of the “Center for Middle Eastern and North African Politics” at the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin. Her research on the MENA region with special emphasis on Egypt mainly focuses on transformations of authoritarianism, politics “from below”, Euro-Mediterranean relations and gender relations. Among her recent publications are: “Bringing the Local Back In – Local Politics between Informalization and Mobilization in an Age of Transformation in Egypt” (in: Bouziane, Malika; Harders, Cilja; Hoffmann, Anja (ed.): Local Politics and Contemporary Transformations in the Arab World, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, S. 113-136, 2013) and “A revolution of logics of action? Renegotiating the authoritarian social contract in Egypt” (in: Horst, Jakob; Jünemann, Annette; Rothe, Delf (Hg.): Euro-Med Relations after the Arab Spring. Persistence in Times of Change. London: Ashgate, in print).


