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Prof. Dr. Ola El Khawaga

Prof. Dr. Ola el Khawaga is the academic supervisor of the EuroMed Studies Programme and Jean Monnet Module at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, she

is a professor of economics at the faculty of economics and political science at Cairo University; she received her PhD on food security in Egypt from Cairo University. Her field of expertise is economic and human development and recently she has been working on the Egyptian education sector and labour market after the 25th January Revolution. Recent works are: “Egyptian economy after 25 of January” (presented to conference Egypt in the Arab spring: Multidisciplinary Research Perspectives, London School of Economics Center of Middle East Studies September 2012) and “The status of Human development in Egypt”, presented to International Congress Mundo Arabe en Cambio, Universidad Computense de Madrid UCM, December 2012.

