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International Teaching Cooperations

International exchange seminars are offered in English language and taught on the basis of a joint reader at each of the participating institutes. In the beginning of the semester, there will be parallel introductory classes at each university. In the second phase students get together in groups across the institutes and prepare joint presentations via online communication. These are to be held later on in the framework of two excursions, uniting the participants and lecturers physically in each of the universities. Grading requirements will be structured according to the guidelines of all participating universities respectively.

Morrocan-German Exchange Seminar

Joint seminar with the École de gouvernance et d'´Économie de Rabat, Morocco titled "Development and International cooperation - Critical Perspectives from Morocco and Germany" in the framework of the DAAD-Project "Dialogue and Asymmetries".

Funded by:

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)

German-Egyptian Seminar 2009 / 2010

Joint seminar with Faculty of Economics and Political Science der Cairo University 2003 und 2004 applying methodologies of comparative political sciences. Our topic of the winter term 2009/10 was: „Euro-Mediterranen Relations:Institustions, Concepts and Implementation“.

Project coordination in cooperation with Prof. Ola El Khawaga
Content planning and carrying out of the seminar: Prof. Dr. Cilja Harders, Freie Universität Berlin; Prof. Dr. Ola El Khawaga, Cairo University und Dr. Patricia Bauer, Cairo University (DAAD).

With the support of:

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED)

German-Egyptian Seminar 2004

Joint seminar with Faculty of Economics and Political Science der Cairo University 2003 und 2004 applying methodologies of comparative political sciences. Our topic of the summer term 2004 was: „Cultural Reactions to Processes of Globalization: European and Arab Debates Compared“.

Project coordination in cooperation with Prof. Naglaa El Ehwany.
Content planning and carrying out of the seminar: Dipl.-Pol. Isabel Schäfer, Freie Universität; Dr. Amr Hamzawy, Cairo University.
Funded by Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD)

German-Turkish Seminar

Joint seminar in cooperation with the Institut of Sociology of Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, applying methodologies of comparative political sciences. Our topic of the summer term 2004 was: „Globalization: Impacts and Responses in Different Contexts. Germany and Turkey Compared“.

Project coordination in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Sencer Ayata und Prof. Dr. Helga Rittersberger-Tilic
Content planning and carrying out of the seminar at FU Berlin: Gökhan Tuncer, M.A. (since 2002) and Dipl.-Pol. Judith Hoffmann (2002 and 2003)
Funded by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and Körber-Stiftung
