Dr. Saker El Nour

Research Fellow with the Global Scholarly Dialogue Programme of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
Saker El Nour is a sociologist working on rural will-bine, environment, and agrarian issues in the Arab countries. After receiving a bachelor's degree in agricultural production from south valley University in Upper Egypt. He received a diploma in human development from the National Planning Institute in Cairo and then an MSc in Rural Sociology from Minya University (Upper-Egypt). El Nour earned his Ph.D. degree in 2013 from Paris - Nanterre University with his sociological research on rural poverty dynamics in Egypt. Following his doctoral studies, El Nour obtained two postdoctoral contracts, the first at the American University of Beirut (AUB) in a research project entitled "Palimpsest of agrarian transformation". The second postdoctoral contract was at (EHESS-MuCEM) to conduct a research project about "Land, work, and society: a study of social and ecological transformation in rural Egypt". His research interests include Poverty and Marginalization Dynamics, Access to Natural Resources, Resistances, Uprisings and Peasant Movements, Development and Environment Changes, Agroecology and Food Sovereignty. Between 2009 and 2019 El Nour conducted fieldwork research in Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan, and Tunisia. He published for both specialized and general audiences in French as well as in English and Arabic. Over the past few years, he wrought news reporters on rural, agricultural, water, and food issues at Arabic independent media like Mada Masr, Al-manasa, and Jadaliyya.
El Nour Saker and Mohamed Rmadan, Mrahrah Bread: Political Economy of Food Sovereignty in Egypt, Dar Safsafa, 2021. (In Arabic)
El Nour Saker. Land, peasant, and investor: A study on the agrarian and peasantry question in Egypt. Dar El-Maraya, Cairo, 2017 & 2nd edition 2019. (In Arabic)
Articles in peer-reviewed journal
El Nour Saker, Grabbing from below: a study of land reclamation in Egypt, Review of African Political Economy, 46.162 (2019): 549-566. DOI: 10.1080/03056244.2019.1755190
Gharios Cynthia, El Nour Saker, Mundy Martha And Rami Zurayk. Transformation rurale, paysage et conflit dans un village du Liban Sud, Sinay. Économie rurale, no 3, 2016, pp 9-26. DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/economierurale.4893
El Nour Saker, Small farmers and the revolution in Egypt: the forgotten actors, Contemporary Arab Affairs Journal. Volume 8, Issue 2, 2015, pp198-211. DOI: 10.1080/17550912.2015.1016764
El Nour Saker, Cynthia Gharios, Martha Mundy et Rami Zurayk, « The right to the village? Concept and history in a village of South Lebanon » justice spatiale | spatial justice, n° 7 janvier 2015. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/17550912.2015.1016764
Books Chapters
El Nour Saker, Des campagnes en difficulté, in Karine Bennafla et Hala Bayoumi (eds), Atlas de l'Egypte contemporaine, CNRS Éditions, Paris. 2020. Pp 116-117.
El Nour Saker & Barbary Caroline, Mobilisation sociale et la crise des ordures à Beyrouth, en Denis Chevallier, Yann-Philippe Tastevin (eds), Catalogue de l'exposition "Vie d'ordure" Vies d'ordures, Mucem / Artlys, 2017, Chapitre V.
El Nour Saker, Agri-food System Dynamics in a South Lebanon Village, 1920–2015, Malak S. Rouchdy & Iman A. Hamdy (eds.), The Food Question in the Middle East. Cairo Papers in Social Science (CPSS), Volume 34 Number 4, American University in Cairo Press. Pp 61-86.