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Workshop of the thematic group "Federalism" (DVPW) on 31 January 2020 at the FU Berlin

News from Jan 09, 2020

On 31 January 2020, a workshop of the DVPW's "Federalism" thematic group will take place at the FU Berlin. Members of the thematic group will present their current research and work on the topic "Federalism and Multilevel Governance". The program and the abstracts can be found attached. Interested colleagues are very welcome. If possible, please register by 15 January 2020 at d.broedemann@fu-berlin.de.

There will also be an opportunity to discuss future projects and activities of the thematic group during the workshop.

Sabine Kropp, Nathalie Behnke and Sean Müller



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SFB 700