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Prof. Dr. Thurid Hustedt

Foto Hustedt

Visiting Professor

Ihnestraße 22
Room 219
14195 Berlin

Office hours

Wednesday, 11:00 - 12:00 a.m.

Academic Career
  • Since October 2015
    Guest Professor for Political Science, Otto-Suhr-Institute, Free University Berlin
  • March/April 2015
    Visiting Researcher, University of Toronto, Canada
  • February 2014 – September 2015
    Postdoctoral Researcher, PhD-Training School WICPAD (Wicked Problems, Contested Administrations), Faculty of Ecnomics and Social Sciences, University of Potsdam
  • December 2009 – January 2014
    Research Associate, Chair of Political Science, Public Administration and Organisation (Prof. Dr. Werner Jann), University of Potsdam, BMBF-Project PROGESS (Potsdam Research Cluster for Georisk Analysis, Environmental Change and Sustainability)
  • April –September 2013
    Interim Assistant Professor for Public Administration and Public Policy, University of Konstanz
  • April 2005-November 2009
    Research Associate, Chair of Political Science, Public Administration and Organisation (Prof. Dr. Werner Jann), University of Potsdam, DFG-Project „Government Organization as Institutional Politics: A Western European Comparison“
  • September/October 2009
    Visiting Researcher, University of Bergen, Norway
  • May 2003 – March 2005
    Research Assistant, Chair of Political Science, Public Administration and Organisation (Prof. Dr. Werner Jann), University of Potsdam
Academic Education
  • 2012
    PhD, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Potsdam, Germany (summa cum laude)
  • 1997-2003
    Study of Public Administration, University of Potsdam, Degree: Diploma
  • 2000
    Erasmus studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • American Political Science Association (APSA)
  • American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)
  • Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW)
  • Sektion Policy-Analyse und Verwaltungswissenschaft (DVPW)
  • Forum Junge Staatswissenschaft (FoJuS)
  • IPSA Research Committee 27 Structure & Organization of Government (SOG)
  • IPSA Research Committee 30 Comparative Public Policy
  • Midwest Political Sciences Association (MPSA)
  • Political Studies Association (PSA)
Taught Courses in the Winter Term 2015/16
  • Theoretische Perspektiven in der Regierungs- und Verwaltungsforschung
Research topics
  • Comparative public administration
  • Comparative government
  • Institutional and organisation theory
  • Policy advisory systems
  • Climate policy
Research projects
  • Communicating Governments: Challenges for Civil Servant’s Competences, Loyalties and Neutrality (ComGov), funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research/Social Sciences (FSE), in cooperation with Heidi Houlberg Salomonsen, University of Aalborg (Denmark) a(Principal Investigator)
  • Organisation and coordination of climate policy, Habilitation project

Peer reviewed publications are indicated by asterisk (*).


Hustedt, Thurid/Wonka, Arndt/Blauberger, Michael/Töller, Annette Elisabeth/Reiter, Re-nate (2014): Verwaltungsstrukturen in der Europäischen Union. Kommission, Komitologie, Agenturen und Verwaltungsnetzwerke. [Administrative Structures in the European Union. Commission, Comitology, Agencies and Networks]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Hustedt, Thurid (2013): Ministerialverwaltung im Wandel - Struktur und Rolle der Leitungsbereiche im deutsch-dänischen Vergleich. [Change in ministerial bureaucracies – Structure and role of departmental leadership units] Reihe „Staatslehre und politische Verwaltung“. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.

Bach, Tobias/Fleischer, Julia/Hustedt, Thurid (2010): Organisation und Steuerung zentralstaatlicher Behörden. Agenturen im westeuropäischen Vergleich. [Organisation and Management of central government agencies. Comparing agencies in Western Europe]. Berlin: Edition Sigma.*

Edited volumes

Hustedt, Thurid/Veit, Sylvia (Hrsg.) (2017): Policy advisory systems: Theoretical and empirical frontiers. Angenommen als Special Issue 2017 bei Policy Sciences, will be published in March 2017*

Salomonsen, Heidi Houlberg/Hustedt, Thurid/Kolltveit, Kristoffer (2016):In the shadowland between politics and administration: Scrutinizing political advisers and their impact on bureaucracies and governments. Accepted as Special Issue at Public Administration.*

Fuhr, Harald, Korff, Valeska, Hustedt, Thurid (2016): Wicked problems, contested administration. Accepted as the special theme in: „der moderne staat“, 9 (1).*

Sylvia Veit/Thurid Hustedt (Eds.) (2014): Koordination – Konjunktur und Krise, [Coordination - Boom and Crisis], Special theme in: „der moderne staat“, 7 (1).

Hustedt, Thurid/Wonka, Arndt/Blauberger, Michael/Töller, Annette Elisabeth/Reiter, Renate (Eds.) (2011): Verwaltungsstrukturen in der Europäischen Union. [Administrative Structures in the European Union]. Course 33914 at the FernUniversität Hagen. Hagen.

Journal articles and chapters in edited volumes

Hustedt, Thurid (in press): Germany. In: Shaw, Richard/Eichbaum, Chris (Eds.). Minders and Mandarins: An International Study of Relationships at the Executive Summit of Parliamentary Democracies. London: Edward Elgar.

Hustedt, Thurid/Salomonsen, Heidi Houlberg (in press): From Neutral Competence to Competent Neutrality? Revisiting Neutral Competence as the Core Normative Foundation of the Western Bureaucracy, angenommen zur Publikation in: Byrkjeflot, Haldor/Engelstad, Fredrik/Gay, Paul du (Eds.): Bureaucracy in Transition – Comparative Perspectives. Comparative Social Research (Yearbook Series) 33 (2017). Binygley: Emerald.

Veit, Sylvia/Hustedt, Thurid/Bach, Tobias (2016): The dynamics of change in policy advisory systems: theory and empirical evidence from Germany. In: Policy Sciences. Online First. doi:10.1007/s11077-016-9266-9.*

Radtke, Ina/Hustedt, Thurid/Klinnert, Anne (2016): Inter-ministerial working groups as a panacea to coordination problems? The cases of climate adaptation, immigration and supply with raw materials in German federal government. In: der moderne staat (dms) 9 (1), 55-81.*

Daviter, Falk/Hustedt, Thurid/Korff, Valeska (2016): Contested Public Organizations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy. In: der moderne staat (dms) 9 (1), 3-14.

Hustedt, Thurid/Seyfried, Markus (2016): Co-ordination across internal organisational boundaries: How the EU Commission co-ordinates climate policies, Journal of European Public Policy 23 (6): 888–905.*

Hustedt, Thurid (2015): Der Rutschbahneffekt. Ministerielle Leitungsbereiche zwischen Bonn und Berlin. [Sliding towards Berlin. Departmental leadership units between Bonn and Berlin]. In: Döhler, Marian/Franzke, Jochen/Wegrich, Kai (eds.): Der gut organisierte Staat: Festschrift für Werner Jann zum 65. Geburtstag. [The well organised state. Festschrift for Werner Jann`s 65th birthday]. Berlin: edition sigma. 189-209.

Hustedt, Thurid (2014): Negative Koordination in der Klimapolitik - Die Interministerielle Arbeitsgruppe Anpassungsstrategie. [Negative coordination in climate policy: The Inter-ministerial Working Group on Adaptation]. In: der moderne staat (dms), 7 (2), 311-330.*

Hustedt, Thurid/Salomonsen, Heidi Houlberg (2014): Ensuring political responsiveness: Politicization mechanisms in ministerial bureaucracies. In: International Review of Ad-ministrative Sciences 80 (4), 746-765.*

Hustedt, Thurid (2014): Inter-ministerial coordination: A Working Group in Climate Poli-cy. In: Lægreid, Per/Randma-Liiv, Tiina/ Rykkja, Lise H./ Sarapuu, Külli (Eds.): Organiz-ing for Coordination in the Public Sector. Practices and Lessons from 12 European Countries. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 153-162.

Hustedt, Thurid/Veit, Sylvia (2014): Forschungsperspektiven auf Regierungs- und Verwaltungskoordination: Koordinationsprobleme und Erklärungsfaktoren. [Research perspectives on coordination in government and administration: Explanations for coordination problems]. In: der moderne staat (dms), 7 (1), 17-36.

Hustedt, Thurid (2013): Analyzing policy advice: The case of climate policy in Germany. In: Central European Journal of Public Policy, 7 (1), 88-110.*

Hustedt, Thurid/Salomonsen, Heidi Houlberg (2013): Politikberatung durch die Ministerialverwaltung: Funktionale Differenzierung oder Integration unterschiedlicher Wissensformen? [Policy Advice by Ministerial Bureaucracies: Functional differentiation or integration of types of expertise?]. In: Kropp, Sabine/Kuhlmann, Sabine (Eds.): Wissen und Expertise in Politik und Verwaltung. Sonderheft 1, der moderne staat - Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 203-221.*

Hustedt, Thurid/Veit, Sylvia/Fleischer, Julia (2013): Politikberatung in Deutschland: Zwischen Unabhängigkeit und politischer Steuerung [Policy Advice in Germany. Between independence and political control]. In: Political Science Applied, 2 (1): 14-19.

Hustedt, Thurid (2013): Institutions and forms of knowledge: Organizing policy advice. In: Lindberg, Henrik (Ed.): Knowledge and Policy Change. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 42-59.

Fleischer, Julia/Hustedt, Thurid (2012): Sectoral Dynamics In Executive Politics: Coordinating Climate Policy in Germany. In: Lodge, Martin/Wegrich, Kai (Eds.): Executive Politics in Times of Crises. London: Palgrave, 264-283.

Hustedt, Thurid (2011): Agenturen [Agencies]. In: Hustedt, Thurid/Wonka, Arndt/Blauberger, Michael/Töller, Annette Elisabeth/Reiter, Renate (Eds.): Verwaltungsstrukturen in der Europäischen Union. [Administrative Structures in the European Un-ion]. Course 33914 at the FernUniversität Hagen. Hagen, 141-207.

Hustedt, Thurid/Veit, Sylvia/Fleischer, Julia (2010): Wissen ist Macht? Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung der Bundesregierung [Is knowledge power? Scientific policy advice in the German federal government]. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Beilage zur Wochenzeitung „Das Parlament“), 60 (19), 15-21.

Hustedt, Thurid (2007): Kontakt durch Kontrakt? Ministerien und Agencies in Dänemark [Contact by contract? Ministries and agencies in Denmark]. In: Jann, Werner/Döhler, Marian (Eds.): Agencies in Westeuropa. [Agencies in Western Europe]. Opladen: VS Verlag, 100-137.

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